Bob Burns
Bob Burns Signs
1619 Oregon Ave.
Prescott, Az 86305
the "Resource Center"
Rochester, N.Y.
I'm the villan who posted the request for drag racing links. Possibly what I need is a class on surfing101! Before my plea for help, I had already spent in excess of 3 hours using three separate search engines. (AOL, Netscape & Northernlights) It's a tangled WEB... No tellin' what you'll find when the search contains the word 'drag'!
Still searching in 'drag'...
Sept. 14,15,16
Somewhere in Alabama
Cheryl Lucas a/k/a "Shag" on mIRC
Vital Signs & Graphics, Etc.
Cape Coral, Florida
[This message has been edited by Cheryl Lucas (edited August 18, 2001).]
Bob Burns
Bob Burns Signs
1619 Oregon Ave.
Prescott, Az 86305
that is an excellent idea! let's lobby and do the fillabuster 'til we get one!
have a great one!
Bruce Bowers
"how great are His signs..."
Daniel 4:3
i am a proud supporter of this website!
George Perkins
"I started out with nothing and still have most of it left"
Come on people. Like any business, Letterville needs an income to operate on. That revenue comes from Residents and Merchants. With only 200 Residents carrying the load, revenue from Merchants is still very important. Vendors can still get a listing and link here for as little as a buck a day and that's a real bargain compared to any other form of advertising.
We want everyone to share in the exposure that Letterville offers. For those vendors who just can't afford a dollar a day, we offer them the Supplier's Soapbox Forum. This is an area where they can promote their stuff all day long at no cost.
We are currently taking a second look at the Links page mentioned above. It has always been our policy to add links to any website that does not sell something to signmakers. I see no reason to change that policy and we may even promote this page more in the future. Try it out and tell us what you think.
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338
[This message has been edited by Steve Shortreed (edited August 20, 2001).]
Mark Fair Signs
Montgomery, Alabama
Why don't you go back to the racecar post grab the links and put them in the resource center for the next time the question is asked.
Rochester, N.Y.
I am glad it IS....LOL
a group of sign painters haven a party can justly have the opption of,, footing the bill (and taking the fring) or passing the buck,, to the members of the flock;...
Believe it or not,,,, and I believe that this can also be virefied by Mr. John Arnot..
the town "or" ville if you wish,,, of LAKESIDE Ca.,.... DID just that.......they paid for the business signs,,, and some other touch ups.......
I KNOW,, they ask me to do one,,, PAID by THE TOWN......
WHY you ask,,, (or not) Well I think that is as plane as '''..... ME on a hill....Twain,TBuk
Ted Bukovscak
spelt my name wrong,,,,LOL
[This message has been edited by TBUK (edited August 20, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by TBUK (edited August 20, 2001).]
This actually a wonderful tool that allows users to submit links that they find useful. I had great hopes for this page, and at one time considered using it as a Merchant Page.
You guys were great at submitting links in the beginning, but interest in that page dropped off. Time we had another look at it.
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338