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Posted by Marty Happy (Member # 302) on :
Hey Lettervillians....

Sorry for going seriously off topic here but does anyone have a source or leads for cowboy poetry on the internet, on audio tape, CD, video or book?

Happy Signing.....Marty

Marty Happy
Signmaker Since 1974
Happy Ad Sign & Design
Regina SK, Canada S4N 5K4


Get Happy & Get Noticed!

[This message has been edited by Marty Happy (edited August 14, 2001).]

Posted by Kookaburra (Member # 254) on :
I once knew a cowboy,
Marty was his name,
Twas for the art of sign writing,
for which he held his fame

They came from near they came from far
Apon their cowboy stallions,
To see this famous Marty guy
Use paint by gallons and gallons!

heh heh heh... ok, not cowboy enough? Ah well

From Katie Wright, 16 year old professional signie wannabe from Aus.

"Life is a great big canvas, throw all the paint on it that you can"


Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Shucks Marty.......I would just go listen to some England Dan and John Ford Coley CD's or John Fogerty?

Well , if you want
to ease your mind
you just go on
take it to the river
when you're down'
Well, that's alright
you just bring it down to jelly roll
We're gonna run
& jump and shout
We're gonna slide
way back in the country
There's a place
Where they treat you right
You just bring it down to jelly roll
The girls
way down south
they got their way
honey drippin from their mouth
if you ever get some luck
you better bring it down to jelly roll........

How'd you like ThEM lyrics??? eh?

surf or MoJo
on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
Seattle WA.....!

It's only fun if you can get into trouble!!!

Posted by Marty Happy (Member # 302) on :
Too much!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!!

Marty Happy
Signmaker Since 1974
Happy Ad Sign & Design
Regina SK, Canada S4N 5K4


Get Happy & Get Noticed!


Posted by Adrienne Pereira (Member # 1046) on :
HEY MARTY!!! I've been a big fan of Cowboy Poetry ever since I attended my first poetry gathering in Big Timber Montana in 1989!!!
I've been hooked ever since!
One of my favorite poems is one called

Reincarnation, by Wallace McRae

What is reincarnation? A cowboy asked his friend.
It starts, his old pal told him, when your life comes to an end.
They wash your neck and comb your hair and clean your fingernails,
And put you in a padded box away from life’s travails.

The box and you goes in a hole that’s been dug in the ground.
Reincarnation starts in when you’re planted neath that mound.
Them clods melt down, just like the box, and you who is inside.
And that’s when you begin your transformation ride.

And in a while the grass will grow upon your rendered mound,
Until some day, upon that spot, a lonely flower is found.
And then a horse may wander by and graze upon that flower
That once was you, and now has become your vegetated bower.

Now, the flower that the horse done eat, along with his other feed,
Makes bone and fat and muscle essential to the steed.
But there’s a part that he can’t use and so it passes through.
And there it lies upon the ground, this thing that once was you.

And if perchance, I should pass by and see this on the ground,
I’ll stop awhile and ponder at this object that I’ve found.
I’ll think about Reincarnation and life and death and such,
And come away concludin’, why, you ain’t changed all that much.

Want more links?
Thar, that'll keep ya busy a spell!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Wherever you go...there you are!"
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
This is entertainin! Kewl stuff!

Big on Murals and Tight on Camera Ready!

"With every breath, we have a choice." --Linda Silver Eagle
Georgia, USA

Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
How's about the James Taylor song. Sweet Baby James

There was a young cowboy who lived on the range.
His horse and his saddle were his only companions.
Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose...

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.


Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Have you ever read any of the writings or heard any of the naratives on NPR written by Baxter Black? He was a large animal veterinerian and his wit is delightful!
The SignShop
Mendocino, California
"Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"

[This message has been edited by Rick Sacks (edited August 15, 2001).]

Posted by Robb Lowe (Member # 2121) on :
Rick, you took the answer right out of my fingers!

Baxter Black is THE cowboy poet. He not only has the gift to string thoughts into rhyming narratives, but his delivery is second to none. This guy lives what he writes.

One line he said on some PBS show once has stuck in my head for a long time. He was reciting a poem about basically having reached the end of his rope. His punchline, or reason for being able to say the end of his rope was the fact he had no more keys. I thought to myself... damn, he's right! When you have no keys, you've got nothing to drive, go home to, work in, etc.

Wise man that Baxter. You'll do no better than him.

Robb Lowe
Hub City Graphics
Spartanburg, SC

Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
He was an old time cowboy, now don't you understand....
His eyes were sharp as razor blades, his face was leather tanned....
His toes was pointed inwards from a hangin' on a horse....
He was an old philosopher, of course.

He was so thin I swear you could have used him for a whip.....
He had to drink a beer to keep his britches on his hips.....
I knew I had to ask him about the mysteries of life.....
He spit between his boots and he replied....

"It's faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money."

St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)


Posted by Rosemary (Member # 1926) on :
Oh no it isn't!
It's "Faster Cars, Younger men, Longer shopping, Bigger Diamonds"!


Girls carve too!
Behind every good Woman, there's a man.............waiting.

1911SRs and Paul Reed Smith Bass Guitars!

[This message has been edited by Rosemary (edited August 15, 2001).]

Posted by jimmy chatham (Member # 525) on :
Tom T. Hall

Jimmy Chatham
Chatham Signs
164 Poplar Rd.
Commerce, Ga 30529
Fax 706-335-3378

Posted by Marty Happy (Member # 302) on :
This is turning out to be a lot of fun!!!!

Pierre, did you write that???

Baxter Black, of course!!!! Several others that came to my attention were Waddie Mitchell, Michael Martin Murphy and Riders in the Sky. Tom T. Hall was a master of spoken word songs but I had no idea he did cowboy poetry.

Keep on keepin on..... Marty

Marty Happy
Signmaker Since 1974
Happy Ad Sign & Design
Regina SK, Canada S4N 5K4


Get Happy & Get Noticed!


Posted by Dave Ginley (Member # 1723) on :
Hey where's Draper when you need him???
It's sounds like we might have our first Aussie entry onto Songpainters...

As far as the cowboy poetry..I'll try and remember some of the ones I heard in Ca. when I was involved with horses and rodeos.

Dave Ginley

Ace of Signs
Selinsgrove, Pa.

Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
Yeah, Tom T.Hall. He and Bobby Bare have always been my favorites in the ballad world.

St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)


Posted by Adrienne Pereira (Member # 1046) on :
Got a Dextor Black tape too...I still like Wallace McRae the best, saw Waddie Mitchell in Big Timber.
Patsy Montana was there, she's since gone on to the big roundup in the sky....she was famous for 'I wanna be a cowboy's sweetheart' and sang with the Sons of the Pioneers.
Got several of Michael Martin Murphy tapes....I love that stuff!!!

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Wherever you go...there you are!"
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA

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