We have a rather large sold graphic to go on the hood of a mustang. The mustang's hood is somewhat of a bubble. The graphic is about 32 inches wide by 36 inches long. Any ideas on how to get this monster on would be much apprecieated.
------------------ Kevin Landry KnL Signs Halifax NS knlsigns@hfx.eastlink.ca
Posted by Stevo Chartrand (Member # 2094) on :
Kevin. I would hinge the vinyl from top or bottom and slice each letter individually and stick them one at a time dry.
------------------ Stevo Chartrand Commercial Signs Edmonton, AB stevo_c@powersurfr.com
Posted by jimmy chatham (Member # 525) on :
rapid tac
------------------ Jimmy Chatham Chatham Signs 164 Poplar Rd. Commerce, Ga 30529 706-335-2348 Fax 706-335-3378 icq#11718273
Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
Actually, severe compound curve installations require a clear premask (it stretches a bit) and is also the one case where dry is rather important. (Correct me if you disagree, Roger, and explain) Is this a single web decal, or component parts involving copy and logo? One of my training classes deals with severe compound curves and the "memory", or the ability for the "memory" to relax and allow this kind of installation. I'm guessing this might not be a severe situation unless you're crossing depressions in the hood that follow the compound curve. 5 Alive needs input!
------------------ St.Marie Graphics & Makin' Tracks Sound Studio Kalispell, Montana stmariegraphics@centurytel.net http://www.stmariegraphics.com 800 735-8026 We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Do it the easy (with best quality)way, do it with Rapid Tac !!
Theres no sence in making a "big deal" out of it !
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Jim Upchurch (Member # 209) on :
Either way you do it, a roller, rather than a squeege, will help. I like the "J" rollers with long handles.
------------------ Artworks Olympia WA
Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
Roger, I don't know exactly what kind of applique it is, but it could very easily be a "very big deal" if he blows it and it's a printed expensive one. Working compound curved surfaces depends a lot on "pre-adhesion" of the applique. He hasn't provided enough info on the applique or the surface for us to really help him.
------------------ St.Marie Graphics & Makin' Tracks Sound Studio Kalispell, Montana stmariegraphics@centurytel.net http://www.stmariegraphics.com 800 735-8026 We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Posted by Mark Barnhill (Member # 2204) on :
With the info given, I would have to do this one dry. If there is a better way to do it wet, I would sure like to know how. The only way I have ever done compound curves is dry. Maybe I need a lesson.... :-)
------------------ Mark Barnhill Vinyl Creations Antioch TN. mark@vinylcreations.net
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Mark, I'm willing to spend some money if your willing to spend a (very) little time, e-mail your address to Connie, mail@rapidtac.com
She will get you samples, then you just have to try it, heck try it all over the place, try it on Coroplast, banner(textured)material,glass,plexi,lexan,painted mdo,vehicles,boats,bldgs. whatever.
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Mark Barnhill (Member # 2204) on :
Thanks Roger, I already received the samples... I might, just might.. try it on my next compound surface... I'm still a little doubtful though... ;-)
------------------ Mark Barnhill Vinyl Creations Antioch TN. mark@vinylcreations.net
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Mark, ya won't feel the confidence till ya do !!
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
Yo, Roger! Have you guys used RapidTac on severe compound curves?
------------------ St.Marie Graphics & Makin' Tracks Sound Studio Kalispell, Montana stmariegraphics@centurytel.net http://www.stmariegraphics.com 800 735-8026 We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Posted by Derek Nicholas (Member # 2218) on :
Now this is getting interesting........ Keep it coming guys! LOL
------------------ Derek Nicholas Derek's Custom Signs 4335 S. Black Horse Pike Williamstown, NJ 08094
email: derek_n1@yahoo.com
Posted by Jerry Mathel (Member # 526) on :
My son and I did just such an application on the deck of a race boat. We used Rapid-Tac and a stretchable clear application tape. We started by squeeging down the center strip, then CAREFULLY began working the decal down onto the surface in both directions toward the outside edges, a little bit at a time. Seemed to work fine with no problems.
------------------ Jerry Mathel Jerry Mathel Signs Grants Pass, Oregon signs@grantspass.com
Posted by Rosemary (Member # 1926) on :
"LOL"? What's so funny?
------------------ Girls carve too! Behind every good Woman, there's a man.............waiting.
1911SRs and Paul Reed Smith Bass Guitars!
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
i would do it dry if it were individual letters.vinyl) if this is a digitally printed piece i would consider using rapid tac.
if individual lettering, i would suggest cutting with scissors between each letter. apply one letter at a time.
rapid tac is a great product and i use it every once in a while for those hard to apply graphics.
i personally have had better luck with dry application on most jobs.
oh well, just my opinion...you know what they say about opinions.LOL
I think I dated a girl with "compound curves" once.
Is that what you mean Pierre ??
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Mark Matyjakowski (Member # 294) on :
Wet is fine over a "bubble" type curve (dry is too if you're comfortable with it) Last year I did 50 pt cruisers for local brewery http://members.aol.com/slamgrafyx/cruiser.jpg did the hoods dry with a center hinge ... did one trunk dry ... ripped it off and re-did wet (maybe paper masking added to the pain) sure, the trunks look flat but they are kind of a "bubble" I don't like wet over ridges and such but over a flat "bubble" wet is fine whatever you feel comfortable with ... if your in doubt try it wet
That's exACTly what I meant, Roger. But you didn't use RapidRemover on her, did you?
------------------ St.Marie Graphics & Makin' Tracks Sound Studio Kalispell, Montana stmariegraphics@centurytel.net http://www.stmariegraphics.com 800 735-8026 We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Posted by Kevin Landry (Member # 1352) on :
Thanks for the Info guys. The graphic is going on the hood of a mustang.
Instead of paying out a bunch of money for some clear application tape, we will try applying the top part of the graphic with plain premask and then trying the bottom of the graphic without application tape using rapid tak. This should work.
------------------ Kevin Landry KnL Signs Halifax NS knlsigns@hfx.eastlink.ca
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
No Pierre, but my new women wants to !!
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Mark Barnhill (Member # 2204) on :
Roger, I think rapid PREP would suit those needs better than rapid remover... Whaddya think? <evil grin>
talk about off topic.... This thread is REALLY drifting.. ;-)
------------------ Mark Barnhill Vinyl Creations Antioch TN. mark@vinylcreations.net
[This message has been edited by Mark Barnhill (edited August 14, 2001).]