Chris King
Paper Works & Graphix
Indiana, PA
The guy wth the "Yellow Lab" at Karen's a couple of years ago in February. How's your hand now???? Sorry about that...
Creative communication since 1959
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338
I'll be watching for ya! I seem to follow my nic and hit it during a Full Moon at Midnight. But sometimes I break stride and pop in during the daylight hours. (Well, it's daylight SOMEwhere in the world when I'm in there!- LOL)
The Many Sides of the Moon
aka: Stef
The Moon
aka: Stefenie Harris
Moonlight Designs
Pollock Pines, CA
learnin' somethin' new every day!
Dave Grundy
AKA "applicator" on mIRC
"stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!"
in Granton, Ontario, Canada
I guess if you tell us now, ya won't have anything to say in chat, huh?
We sure have missed you! I tried to call at 12pm (approx) to walk you through chat. You sure eat lunch early, (I used to leave at 1-2 pm.)
I'll try again later, nice to see your face too! Ask about Pat King's Duck Soup Splatter Jam...so you can be there! I'll be lookin for ya there!
Big on Murals and Tight on Camera Ready!
"With every breath, we have a choice." --Linda Silver Eagle
Georgia, USA