Tramp Warner is going to give a demo on truck graphics. Vince Ballisteri is going to take groups of 10 at a time and work on lay-outs and color all three days during the meet. Jack Lindenberger is going to work on glass projects, doing surface gilding, glass will be provided along with projects but the gold will have to be purchased. Our vendors are going to give us a special price at the show on gold. Rick Dolphens is having a dimensional signs workshop. Rick will have carving and shaping tools and will have foam samples for everyone and also a sandblasting booth. DeWayne Connot will be demonstrating straight line pinstriping throughout the event. Bob Parsons will be there doing cartoons. Superfrog's theme is how to make a buck, he'll demo his water-based paints and of course, the famous frog juice. Our favorite four will be doing basic hand lettering, starting with Mr. Mike Meyer, rumored major of Mazeppa. Tim Peterson is cruising in on his big Harley. Dave Correll and Scott Bourma included will all be demonstrating different kinds of hand lettering. Hands down, hand over, mahl stick and our friend Scott is our leftie. Mr. Mike Meyer will also address everyone on Milwaukee beer along with Milwaukee slang and the future of sign writing.
So Wednesday we start setting up and if anyone wants to come and help, feel free. Thursday the doors open at 8 o'clock. Party and paint 'til you drop. Friday and Saturday the same. Sunday we have to clean up and move out. Any other questions drop a line.
Jeffery Haberman
Slewfoot Signs
Jefferson, WI
Let's not forget about Robert Frese is going to have basic gold gilding on glass on Friday, Saturday he's having advanced gilding. He's going to demonstrate different gold textures. We have one room set up for seminars using alternating times with Mark Roberts on how to run a small business sign shop. Jim Hingst on vinyl application, tools of the trade, sugstrate prep, proper vinyl for the application. I hope I didn't forget anyone else.
Friday's going to be the big bang with Bub's international award winning mesquite barbecue, I just can't wait. So get ready for three days of painting, learning and tasty grub. So pack up the brushes and see ya on the 2nd. Adios.
Jeffery Haberman
Slewfoot Signs
Jefferson, WI
Yer Pal--Bill "the czarnina kid" Krupinski
PS--Bonus points to ANYONE who knows what "czarnina" is!!!
Wm. J. Krupinski
ArtFirst Studio
Jefferson, WI
Are you guys interested in a little bit of HeadTV Jeff? We'd need a phone line and local dialup number and connection info. If it means extra work or cost don't bother with it. Looking forward to meeting you and seeing all our Letterhead pals.
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338
Marcano-Welch Signs
Luquillo, PR
Mark Fair Signs
Montgomery, Alabama
Jeffery Haberman
Slewfoot Signs
Jefferson, WI
Jeffery Haberman
Slewfoot Signs
Jefferson, WI