This is topic OT...How long have you been in the Sign Business???? in forum Old Archives at The Letterville BullBoard.

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Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
I see a lot of "New" Sign people coming on board.And I was wondering how long some of the other Letterheads have been in this business. As far as myself, I have been making a "living" at this trade since December of 1955. Either Signs, Custom Paint and Pin Striping or related Art..Technically I am supposed to be retired at this time, however I usually work from 40 to 60 hours about every week on some type of sign or art that will generate income for me.
And I manage to walk at least a mile on the beach every day....And when I am not "busy" I work on my three wheeled project car...or build Custom Wet Bars, or Market my new line of Automotive Furniture...etc.etc.

Arvil Shep' Shepherd
Art by Shep
Oak Island, NC
" As long as they say your name, you will live forever"

Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
Graduated Graphics college, spent 8 years in an advertising graphics studio in W.Germany, returned to the states and went into the sign business in 1979 after getting an ulcer in the Graphics Studio. I don't miss it at all.

St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)


Posted by Rob Larkham (Member # 2105) on :
Got a degree as a graphic designer(that and 50 cents will get me a cup of coffee)and when I graduated found I didn't want to work in a graphic house sitting on my ass. Started lettering race cars for friends six years ago and the rest is history. (recent history)Love the biz!!!

Rob Larkham
RL Graphic D-Sign
Chester, MA

Posted by Judy Pate (Member # 237) on :
I have been in the business since 1972. First I worked in a silk screen shop,where I learned to layout,hand cut Ulano film,and make silk screens. From 1975 till 1980 I worked in area shops where I learned to handletter. Openned Signs By Judy in 1980 and been loving it ever since! I handlettered exclusively until 1995. I began to buy vinyl letters from local shops until I bought my own system in 1995.Today I still handletter windshields at carlots ,paint walls, and some vehicles.I use more vinyl than paint these days. Vinyl is just another medium. I enjoy creating signs!

Judy Pate
Signs By Judy
110 LuMac Road
Albany,Ga 31701
Letterville is my HOME!
Life is like a do the painting.


Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Rob, can you really get a cup of joe for fifty cents there still?

I've been converting sign labor to food and rent since 1970. Still not sure that qualifies as "business."

The SignShop
Mendocino, California
"Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"

Posted by Tyler (Member # 2093) on :
I used to silkscreen shirts for friends bands out of my parents basement way back when I was in high school (97-98). Also started using corel at version 4, just for fun. Got hired at a silkscreening/vinyl sign shop after their other employee had to go to jail, and that was the first time I was introduced to signmaking. Stayed with them a bit over a year, and then started out on my own, in October 99. I love it, wouldn't want to do it any other way! So I have been in the sign industry for about three years. So basically, I just got my feet wet.

Tyler Malinky

A Step Above Signs
Cleveland, Ohio
440.842.1894 fax or

Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
Got into it in 1977 through my then father-in-law. Did mostly hand routed signs. Been in it for myself since 1986.

Dennis Goddard
Excalibur Signs & Graphics
Tampa Fl

Posted by Jerry Mathel (Member # 526) on :
I painted my first sign for money in 1948 at age 12. In high school, I pinstriped cars and I was the kid who painted all the banners and paper signs for the football games and dances. Attended the sign trade school at San Diego City College in 1954/55 and served my apprenticeship with a large outdoor advertising company and a large commercial sign shop. Of course I also moonlighted on the side. I opened my own shop here in Oregon in 1972 and I've now pretty much retired and turned the business over to my two sons.

Jerry Mathel
Jerry Mathel Signs
Grants Pass, Oregon

Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
1976 at age 20. I had worked for Dairy Queen for a couple years, as a waitress for 4 HOURS, then at Payless as the signpainter. Like Crazy Jack says....."That's it"

surf or MoJo
on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
Seattle WA.....!

From sharp minds come sharp products

Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
Well I dont consider what I do to be in the sign trade as much as just "graphics" in general, but I do a few signs here and there.

I'd have to say about 8 years, since I was 17.
I started out training other people how to use AutoCAD.
That led into doing freelance CAD/3D Rendering/3D Animation work to supplement the income I needed for engineering school, which I wasnt getting from Mc Donald's.. =)
That led into setting up a website to showcase my work to draw more work which meant getting into photoshop..
Web design led into doing layouts for brochures and flyers for the local yokels, which led into using Illustrator and PageMaker for layouts.

Finished school, got a job at an engineering firm, continued "playing" with the other stuff on the side.

Then one day I had a thought (scary).. "It would be so cool to be able to make my own graphics for my jetski."

Picked up a refurbished Roland for about $500 or $600..

So now.... I've got ALOT of experience running my own business and I still do everything, from the CAD training to the 3D stuff to all kinds of layouts and now custom graphics for vehicles..

Soon to come.... mass produced screenprinted graphics of my own design.

Mike Pipes
Digital Illusion Custom Graphics
Lake Havasu City, AZ


Posted by Tim Barrow (Member # 576) on :
I always seemed to be tha kid who was content with a pencil & paper doodlin or sketchin'.My dad started me in art classes at a local boys club at 12,& then made me spend summers at a local sign shop by the time I was 14 in '68 somewhere between then and '78 I managed ta git in a few years of fine art college & an apprenticeship of sorts witha local oudoor firm. Struck out on my own in 1978 & haven't had a dull moment since.
I can remember there was this one guy who was always paintin' hot rods or custom cars down on Waughtown St. as kids we would sneak by there & peek in,....think they called him "shep"!

fly low...timi/NC
is,.....Tim Barrow
Barrow Art Signs

Posted by Si Allen (Member # 420) on :
Heheheheheheee....and I thought I was ancient!
Shep and Jerry make me feel like a kid! Been at this game since 1967, as a full time signpainter...can't think of many other things that I would rather do (and still stay out of jail) I guess I will stick to being a signpainter!

Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA
(714) 521-4810
ICQ # 330407
"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"

95% of all accidents occur immediately after the words " this."

Brushasaurus on Chat

Gladly supporting this BB !

[This message has been edited by Si Allen (edited July 30, 2001).]

Posted by Rosemary (Member # 1926) on :
I used to follow my dad around the car lots with his brushes and rags and a can of thinner. I think I must have been about 7 years old. I grew up in the studio, so I guess it's been about 13 years since I actually began relly helping make signs. I learned to paint really early, then the vinyl stuff came along and I learned to use my blade to from letters.

Girls carve too!
Behind every good Woman, there's a man.............waiting.

1911SRs and Paul Reed Smith Bass Guitars!

Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :

Bob Burns
Bob Burns Signs

1619 Oregon Ave.
Prescott, Az 86305

Posted by jimmy chatham (Member # 525) on :
been at it since 1969 and still learning

Jimmy Chatham
Chatham Signs
164 Poplar Rd.
Commerce, Ga 30529
Fax 706-335-3378

Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
My first painting was sold to a gentleman from Germany in 1967...
All for the sum of $50.00 dollars!
I was 11 years old at this tender age!
I have been hooked on Graphics since.

I'am stuck on Bandage, because Bandage is stuck on Me!

Airbrushed by Raven
Lower Sackville N.S.

[This message has been edited by Stephen Deveau (edited July 30, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Stephen Deveau (edited July 30, 2001).]

Posted by Arvil Shep' Shepherd (Member # 2030) on :
Timi, You are right,I am one and the same. My shop was at 2648 Waughtown St.... I always left a light on in the "Showroom" so as the people stopping by could see the latest "Offering" It must have worked, for I stayed booked for about 18 months in advance.....THanks for have made my day !!
PS the (SHARK) on my website was one of the cars in the "Showroom"

Arvil Shep' Shepherd
Art by Shep
Oak Island, NC
" As long as they say your name, you will live forever"

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