Time and time again...I get to a job and realized I've forgotten an important tool or item that would have made the job easier and more efficiant.... The problem lies in packing up the work vehicle for a specific job, unpacking for shop work, repacking for windows....then forgetting let's say the level ruler...or that bottle of Rapid Tack, or the tube of cobalt blue acrylic......... I can't possibly carry EVERYTHING at once, nor can I afford to have two sets of everything I use...so what advice can you give when you have a shop that does several types of work (murals, vinyls, splashes,etc)and needs different items to do those jobs. Thanks! A
------------------ Adrienne Morgan Splash Signs "Wherever you go...there you are!" www.splashsigns.com "Rainkatt'on chat
i have a lot of tools duplicated but the ones i dont get left in the van and i work out of my van even when i'm at home just back the van upto the shop door
------------------ jon peterman 109 mardan dr grants pass, or. 97527 signjon@cpros.com a.k.a. dc-62 success is getting up more times than you fall down
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
I have a tool box with my drill, bits, hammers, screw drivers etc. Then........I have a tote with my tape measure, RapidTac, Adhesive remover..Stabillos, squeegies, exactos, blades, masking tape, rags etc. If I am doing an install, I know to take my tool box and ladder. If I am just delivering signs....I still take the tote.....just in case. I am the biggest airhead...I always have to have 2 or 3 of everything.....
------------------ surf or MoJo on mirc Cheryl J Nordby Signs by Cheryl Seattle WA.....! signsbycheryl@hotmail.com
I have a backpack that holds alot of crap, and I keep it hanging at the side of my table.
When I need to pack up for a job I just sweep literally everything from the table into the bag in one swoop.. =)
I keep a bottle of app fluid, squeegees, x-actos, scissors, Ute knives, paper towels and cheap stuff like that in duplicate.
------------------ Mike Pipes Digital Illusion Custom Graphics Lake Havasu City, AZ http://www.stickerpimp.com
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Adrienne, I actually have THEEEE answer for you.
Make lists. With an area for checkmarks behind each item.
For window splashes only, make a computer list and add everything you'd possibly need for that kind of job. Have a separate list for each type of job you do.
Now if it's a window splash day, pull out your window splash list, go to your vehicle, and check what you have. Then go into your shop, and you'll know what you're missing, and load up.
Lists have saved me big time. I have one on the inside of my signkit and go through it before each job.
Mike...I got too much crap everywhere, so I could never tell which crap is the one I need for this job, or the crap I need for the other....then there is the crap that I don't need, but I got too much crap in the trashcan to throw it away.... make any sense?
Donna, that does work for me!.....when I can find the lists in all the crap I got around here.............
Note to myself: ...Throw out crap!
------------------ Adrienne Morgan Splash Signs "Wherever you go...there you are!" www.splashsigns.com "Rainkatt'on chat
[This message has been edited by AdrienneMorgan (edited July 30, 2001).]
Posted by Tim Barrow (Member # 576) on :
Adrienne,I have several sign kits,one for each type of work.I also have all my paints in paint boxes,one for waterbase and one for oil based.I keep two sets of drawing tools in seperate boxes one mobile,the other in the shop.I keep a kit for each of the following,... standard sign kit, pictoral kit(oil paints etc) gold kit airbrush kit brush kit(larger brushes for walls etc} vinyl kit miscellaneous paint tools bucket (scrapers pliers,wrenches for my airless assorted small hardware) whenever I do a job I narrow it down to what type work then grab that kit and or any others I might need for that job.The most important thing I found is to put tools back in the right toolbox during cleanup. milk crates are great storage units for hand tools as ya can just grab one and go, if need be,... I keep one for roller trays & rollers,etc. & one for drills saws drop cords etc & one I rotate out for odd gallon cans that won't fit in my paint boxes and or other oddball tools that I might not normally have to carry. when I go out onna job I can load tool boxes into the van in less than 10 minutes,same for the return trip.
------------------ fly low...timi/NC is,.....Tim Barrow Barrow Art Signs Winston-Salem,NC http://artistsfriend.com/signs
[This message has been edited by timi NC (edited July 30, 2001).]
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
As well as making lists, and having specialized kits for differing types of jobs, I always mentally reherse the job before I go. Start to finish. I'll imagine cleaning the glass. Window cleaner, paper towels, etc. Then as I'm imagining cleaning the glass I come across some old scoth tape on there....razor blade. I'll quickly do the job in my head and get all the stuff and it makes the job a breeze when I get there. Usually the only thing I forget is to print out an invoice.
------------------ The SignShop Mendocino, California "Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Unless you have too much crap on top of your computer (LOL), keep the lists in the computer and print them out as you need them.
I know, I know...it hurts to be so organized some days.
Hey Adrienne have a "Tupperware Party". Thats what some wise A** asked me when I opened up the back of my truck. Actually it was Rubbermaid or similar. I keep "like" tools and materials together in these large bins that either have folding tops or snap- on lids. All of my Radiant paints in one, my Rich-Art in another, Airbrush and related material in yet another,One-Shot another and so forth. Many items stay in vehicle and if taken out, must return to their home. I could of sworn I seen you toting some Tupperware in San Jose once! I did work for guy who was a list fanatic,...but we never forgot anything (just don't lose the list). Another Signman I know used to keep a Goldleaf list in his Signkit with all of the ingredients needed to perform Glass Gilding. You get a list laminated so you could wipe it down after each job (write it down now in your Organizer).
------------------ Rich Stebbing #945 RichSigns Rohnert Park CA
Posted by Adrienne Pereira (Member # 1046) on :
Good ideas, all of em!!! Now.....where'd I put that list.......?
------------------ Adrienne Morgan Splash Signs "Wherever you go...there you are!" www.splashsigns.com "Rainkatt'on chat
Basically I use the same method as Timi. I worked at a commercial shops whose routine was to load the truck for each specific job, two or three guys taking a half hour hunting stuff, drove me nuts! When I ran my own shop I kept everything ready to go at a moments notice, I worked out of my traveling kits at the shop. I could be loaded up in a couple of minutes. Close the lid, latch it , grab the gold leaf/airbrush kit andout the door. No more than three trips to the truck were ever necessary. Everything had it's place and everything was in it's place. For example I had a milk crate with a bucket that held all my cutters and fitches, snap line, chalk,charcoal and anything that might be used on a wall job, I had two milk crates with all my window splash junk in it. These crates resided against a wall in the shop. My 4 foot level ruler, which was only used on wall and window splash jobs resided between these crates. It was always right there ready to be loaded up at a moments notice. Of course these methods omly work if everything is ALWAYS put back in it's place, one reason I love working alone
------------------ George Perkins Millington,TN. goatwell@ionictech.com
"I started out with nothing and still have most of it left"
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
I'm gonna let you in on a secret.
They're not just a sexy fashion statement anymore.
I'm with Timi and George on the milk crate gig. Been preachin the milk crate theory for a long time hehehehe.
And since I'm in a good mood, here's a bonus tip list.
Thangs what you cin put up in tupperware:
q-tips drill bits x-actos tooth pics blow paint gun parts hunks o'charcoal cute bugs ya find on the job mineral oil somethin to gnaw on if'n ya get hungry extra make-up tape (so it won't bang around in yer purse and get floaties all over the edges)
I keep a big three dollar bucket for stuff like this, and rags, empty cans, etc. That way it's easy to carry the whole sheebang, instead of sittin in the back of the vehicle having nostalgic moments as you look under seats, and all over your dash to find somethin that shoulda been in the bucket the whole time.
It's up to you to figger what goes in there, gettin it back in there is the hard part, if'n ya ain't used to it. But once you are, oh! happy day!
Keep your squeegies in the bathroom. That way when yer ready to leave, and feel like yer fergittin somethin, go potty and clean off the counter hahahaha!
------------------ PEACE SIGNS Big on Murals and Tight on Camera Ready!
"With every breath, we have a choice." --Linda Silver Eagle Georgia, USA