Could someone help me with this problem? I have some vinyl work to do to a boat. The customer works in a truck shop and says that in his shop they use 3M SCOTCH CAL vinyl. He said this is the the best and will have no less on his boat. Now most of my work is in paint but i don't know of this vinyl. I thought Scotch was just the transfer tape? DO THEY MAKE VINYL WITH UNDER THE SCOTCH BRAND? Due to my lack of vinyl knowledge I told him I would check into this and get back to him. This is the last detail of the job. help Tim Johnson
Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
He's wrong. 3M has the highest failure rate in vinyl film of all the top 5. Their metallics have an atrocious failure rate........but they have the BEST marketing team out there. They have blanket deals because they have the body shop trade for abrasives, and the vinyl film goes as part of the package. All of the top 5 have spec sheets. Compare them. 3M is just well accepted in the OEM industry because they were simply the first manufacturer for OEM. I won't touch 3M with a 20' pole......................or a czech, for that matter.
------------------ St.Marie Graphics & Makin' Tracks Sound Studio Kalispell, Montana 800 735-8026 We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Posted by Jerry Mathel (Member # 526) on :
I have to agree with Pierre. We were hand cutting vinyl graphics from 3-M Scotch Cal clear back in the 50s, but at that time they were the only game in town. The stuff we get today seems to be pretty much the same as we were getting back then. I think 3-M has rested on its laurals while some of the newcomers have made great strides in improving their product.
On the other hand, to directly respond to your question, Yes, 3-M manufactures vinyl, and markets a lot of it through Gerber. I would explain your feelings about the material, and if your customer's mind is still made up, give him what he wants, and charge accordingly.
------------------ Jerry Mathel Jerry Mathel Signs Grants Pass, Oregon
Posted by Jillbeans (Member # 1912) on :
Hi Tim- Well, I've only been cuttin dat demon vinyl fer 3 years, so I am by no means an expert. BUT...I'd rather use FDC Hi-Performance White vinyl, sold thru Gerber, etc., as explained in the above post, over Calon II H.P. any day. It ain't bad to cut, is easy to weed, and it smells like a new baby doll (one of my favorite aromas) Just my .02 worth. Love- JILL
------------------ Jill M. Welsh Jill's Custom Signs Butler, PA
Posted by VICTORGEORGIOU (Member # 474) on :
Gerber Vinyl is 3M.
Perception is reality - if he thinks 3M is the best, then it is. It's just like Chevys and Fords, except that Fords really are better, unless you're a Chevy person. Give him what he wants.
ya know Victor, this is one of the times I agree with you, Perception is Reality.
If you want to race get a Chevy or Ford but if you want to win, ya need a Mopar!
------------------ HotLines Joey Madden,47 years in the Classic Art of Pinstriping Grants Pass, Oregon Learn something......
Posted by TimJohnson (Member # 2080) on :
Thanks to all of you for your responses. Your inputs were very helpful.I think he is going to insist that I use the 3m. I agree with you that there are better products, but he believes 3m. Thanks again, Tim Johnson
------------------ Tim Johnson Murals and More Slidell LA tim_3168@MSN.COM
Posted by Aladd (Member # 1996) on :
Hell tell him it's 3M & use what you think is best, your the one that has to warranty & stand behind it. I know some wouldn't agree with lying...fibbing but it's what's best for him in the long run. All that really matters is he gets a quality job with quality products. Now me personally I would tell him it was craph & explain why & if that wasn't good enough he's welcome to go to someone who will give him an inferior product just because he insist on one. If you give him 3M & it fails he'll still blame you & thats what he'll tell his friends. Nobody takes responsibility for their actions in todays society,it's all about blame,...blame it on anyone but yourself.
------------------ Alan Ladd Atlanta,Ga
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
iam with joey.....
------------------ joe pribish-A SIGN MINT 2811 longleaf Dr. pensacola, fl 32526 850-944-5060 BEWARE THE TRUTH.....YOU MAY NOT LIKE WHAT YOU FIND
Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :
If this guy's shop is so darn great and they get this "great" (cough) 3M film, why doesnt HIS shop do the graphics for his boat??
If he insists on 3M, let him get the material for you then make it clear you wont offer any warranty on an inferior material. Honestly I think this film is way too soft to withstand any kind of pressure being applied to it, it rips very easily.
By the way, most all of 3M's 2mil films carry the SCOTCHCAL name, the newer line is the Electrocut Vinyls, Series #7725