------------------ Amy Brown AMBO Design Lake Helen, FL jabrown@cfl.rr.com
"If only my toddler was better with paint & computers!"
Posted by Nevman (Member # 332) on :
I've got one here in my shop Amy. You are more than welcome to come down and visit some time...
I mainly use it for straight flat cuts in plexi and HUD. Haven't figure out how to do multiple passes yet
I like it tho...
------------------ Pat Neve, Jr. Sign Man, Inc. 4580 N. US 1 Melbourne, FL 32935 321-259-1703 signman@signmaninc.com Capt. Sign Letterville Constituent constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"
Posted by Jon Himes (Member # 1390) on :
Amy, We've had one for about two years now and love it. It has definitely paid for itself many times over. We mainly rout HDU, PVC, Dibond and Gatorboard, I have not tried plexi or aluminum. Check out their website they have alot of info there. If you have any questions you can email me. Jon R. Himes
------------------ Jon Himes Impact Graphics Moline, IL