I know I've seen them, but can't remember where or who sales those post that look like the old Century 21 realty posts witht he swinging sign.
If I can't find a supplier, I'll just build them myself. Just a little rushed this week.
If you know of a supplier, even one here on the BB, please let me know. Thanks
Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA
Get To A Letterhead
Meet This Summer! See
you there!
Draper_Dave on mIRC chat
David Overholt
RunningDog Artworks
210 Cedar St
Pemberville, Ohio
aka, doc
Christian S.
Slager's Budget Signs
~Personalized, Not Franchised~
Bradenton, Florida
Victor Georgiou
Clipart CD's & FONTS
Designer Sign Blanks
"A wise man once said that, or was it a wise guy?"
Ken McTague
The Witch city
Salem, MA