When I reply to a post my posting does not appear straight away but a couple of hours later. I have tried the refresh button and nothing. Mike pipes and i were chatting the other night and he's not having any similar problems. so could it be my system?
'To be born once is natural, To be born twice, now that's a miracle.
From the sometimes sunny south of Ireland,
[This message has been edited by Miles Cullinane (edited July 07, 2001).]
When you return to these pages, the copy on your hard disk is reloaded instead of receiving the page over the Internet again. This is much faster than obtaining all documents from the network every time, and is why it may seem that a page loads faster the second time you view it, especially for computers with slow connections such as modems on dialup lines.
When you quit the browser session, those pages are stored on your disk. The Web browser lets you set the amount of space to use and the length of time to hold them.
The problem with this time-saving utility is that you might not be seeing the most current version of a particular page. You can force your browser to retrieve the page from it's original location (instead of the Cache) by clicking the Reload or Refresh button on the Button Bar.
It is a good idea to clear out your cache from time to time to clear out the old files and to free up some memory. You will also need to use this when the images on your screen appear to be 'scrambled' or if the page doesn't load as it should.
Si Allan sent in these instructions on how to clean out your cache in Netscape and IE.
Been asked to post how I clean out my cache... so here it is:
1. open Windows Explorer
2. scroll down to Program Files
3. find Netscape
4. find Users, then your nick, then cache
5. click Edit, then Select All
6. click File, then delete
7. empty Recycle Bin
8. done!!!
1. open Windows Explorer
2. scroll down to Windows
3. find Temp Internet Files
4. click on each file, in turn, and then Edit, then Select all
5. click on File, then delete
6. empty Recycle Bin
7. done!!!
In IE 5.5, I click on Tools, then Internet Options. Look for the area called Temporary Internet Files and click on Delete Files. Press OK and your old outdated files are history.
Here's another tip. Click on the Settings button and select the option to check for newer versions of a webpage every visit. Let us know if this solves ther problem.
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338
[This message has been edited by Steve Shortreed (edited July 07, 2001).]