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Posted by Ricky Simpson (Member # 1318) on :
Is it possible to scan or take a digital picture of SIGNGOLD and make it a special fill for layouts.

If so would the result give the gold justice and perhaps sell a job?

One inquiring mind that would like to know.

Thanks in advance

Ricky Simpson
Simpson Signs
South Central VA, USA
"railroader aspiring to be fulltime SignArtist."

Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Digital picture would work, but I'd scan it into the computer instead.

Don Coplen
aka "SaintPete"
Coplen Designs

Co-Conspirator (with Bill
Modzel and Dave Sherby)
of the unofficial Letterville
Adobe Illustrator
Support Group &
coffee house.

If any Letterville Adobe
Illustrator users need any
help, feel free to
email any of the three
of us and we will help
out as best we can.

Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Ricky...I "grabbed" a GIF of SignGold off their old website....I use it regularly and "powerclip" it into graphics in Corel for just that purpose. In fact I provided my printer with my logo in Corel format and the business cards turned out VERY nice! If ys want the GIF of the SignGold just e-mail me and I will send it to ya. I don't imagine the SignGold folks would mind since we are using their GIF to sell THEIR product to customers. Personally, the sample pics they currently have on their website are no where as nice as the original ones were. Also. SignGold is a really tough product to take a decent picture have to get the angle just right to get a decent pic.

Dave Grundy
AKA "applicator" on mIRC
"stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!"
in Granton, Ontario, Canada

Posted by Ricky Simpson (Member # 1318) on :
Thanks for the response Don.

And Dave thanks for the gif looks better than I imagined it would !

Ricky Simpson
Simpson Signs
South Central VA, USA
"railroader aspiring to be fulltime SignArtist."

Posted by Ricky Simpson (Member # 1318) on :
And Dave thanks for the help with the "powerclip" feature in corel. Add that to the growing list of hints/tips I have picked up here in Letterville.

50.00 a year in taxes is well worth the help I get on this site.

Letterville rocks!!!!

Ricky Simpson
Simpson Signs
South Central VA, USA
"railroader aspiring to be fulltime SignArtist."

Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Hay Appy,

When I get back from Greenville, I wanna hear all about this "power clip" business!

I was wondering the same thing!...about the scan of materials...the term power clip has my imagination runnin!

DrQuill - Mural Woman

"With every breath, we have a choice." --Linda Silver Eagle
Georgia, USA

[This message has been edited by Linda Silver Eagle (edited July 03, 2001).]

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