Has anyone had a problem with the EDGE2 when it comes to printing jobs that require panels. It seems that all of a sudden any jobs over a 3 feet or more and more than 11.75" in height don't line up.
Could it be that something needs to be re-aligned? I also get strange lines at the end of each run. Please don't tell me my printer head is going????????????
Also-the communication port error has been resolved. I swapped out my parallel cable with a shorter one and walla! No problems
------------------ Anthony Nuzzolo South Shore Sign Co. Staten Island, NY stromboli_98@yahoo.com
Posted by Dave Draper (Member # 102) on :
If your print head was going bad, it would leave streaks of discoloration through your process color prints. Solid color prints would most likey not be affected for a while.
I think you have another problem. Others will help, but I would call Gerber Field Service NOW!
------------------ Draper The Signmaker Bloomington Illinois USA
Get To A Letterhead Meet This Summer! See you there! 309-828-7110 drapersigns@hotmail.com Draper_Dave on mIRC chat
[This message has been edited by Dave Draper (edited June 28, 2001).]
You didn't say what brand of vinyl you are printing on? If it is not GERBER/3M vinyl, you might look at that as a potential problem. If the holes are not punched exactly correct, you can get fluctuation. We ran into that problem a long time ago cutting some Hartco Stencil for sandblasting some glass, and then making Rubylyth stencils for screens. The Rubylyth fit exactlly over pen drawings, but not over the etched glass. The holes in the Hartco Stencil were slightly closer together than they were supposed to be causing the image to be smaller.
This might not be your problem, but worth examining as a possibility.
Mike Jackson Jackson Hole, WY
------------------ Mike Jackson Golden Era Studios Jackson Hole, Wy www.goldenstudios.com/
Posted by Diane Crowther (Member # 120) on :
Grasping at straws here...could humidity be a problem? In some weather conditions you should roll out the vinyl and let it all "aclimatize" before you print (not that we ever do...we just know it's been recommend )
------------------ Diane Crowther, Metaline Graphics Ltd., Nova Scotia, Canada, ID #285