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Posted by Corey Wine (Member # 1640) on :
Where can "tight wads" like myself get a 'barely been used' pantone color chart at a reasonable price? I've known they're not cheap (figuring about $80) and I was ready to invest but the shop that supplies them here in Calgay, Canada sells them for $115. I know that it'll eventually pay for itself and I will used it constatly like my own bible but I was caught off guard with that price and am not ready to make the commitment just right yet. Never really priced them before. I just took my ex-bosses charts and abused them with paint matches here and paint blotches there. One thing's for sure....when I 'DO' get's gonna get the powder treatment!

Corey Wine
Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
The ex-Californian Canadian

"I cooked a meatloaf recipe that I downloaded off of the internet. A day later, I got a stomach VIRUS....Coincidence?"

Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Corey..If you know a local printer..they replace them yearly..he might be willing to part with a "barely used" swatch book at a "reasonable price".

If not..spend the $115 and buy one..They are worth their weight in gold...and WHY would you ever blotch one up with blobs of paint?

I know..ya didn't know what they cost? right?

Well now ya do!!!!!!! LOL

Dave Grundy
AKA "applicator" on mIRC
"stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!"
in Granton, Ontario, Canada

Posted by Corey Wine (Member # 1640) on :

I didn't know what they cost and I didn't know what they were worth. Now I know.

They cost $115 and they are worth their weight in gold.

Now about the "blotches".......well....I was a messy apprentice.


Corey Wine
Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
The ex-Californian Canadian

"I cooked a meatloaf recipe that I downloaded off of the internet. A day later, I got a stomach VIRUS....Coincidence?"

Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
I never owned a color chart, ever.........

HotLines Joey Madden,47 years in the Classic Art of Pinstriping
Grants Pass, Oregon
Learn something new........

Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
WARNING!! Pantone Matching System color charts are made for and produced with Printers Ink! Thus the colors you see are Translucent.Enamel paint is opaque and quite a different animal.They do how ever make a Enamel Paint color chart that is sold out of the SignCraft magazine.This is even MORE valuable to the Sign Shop,as it represents what colors YOU PROVIDE!The key here is NOT try to match THEIR ink color,But rather get them to pick a color from YOUR chart.
By turning the tables and putting yourself in control of the colors.You will spend less time and make more profit.
Any questions?

PKing is
Pat King of
King Sign Design in
The Professor of


Posted by Dana Aaron on :
There were times for me that someone would come in with an existing logo and needed certain PMS# colors.

By having a color chart, I was able to mix up some paint to come awfully close, since I had a way to find out what the color looked like.

I got my PMS chart while in sign school - we went to a local paint store and got the previous year's one at a discount. I always kept a rubber band around one end so it would stay shut and in nice shape when bouncing around in my paint kit.

Oh... also comes in handy when you need to match an existing color - compare it and find it in the chart, write down the #, then back at the shop you can mix it up.

Worked for me!

Dana Aaron
docs-gal on chat

Whatever happened to Preparations A through G?


Posted by Mike Kelly (Member # 2037) on :
I think Pat is talking about the ColorTones Color Selector that Signcraft USED to sell. It hasn't been advertised in the mag for about 2 years nor is it advertised on their website. It would tell how to mix the colors in standard enamels. Wonder why they don't sell it anymore. It's too bad, and it only cost $57. You can buy the Pantone chart from Ameriban (800-654-8405) for only $68.

Ashburnham, MA

"Your reputation is made by others; your character is made by you."

Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on :
I never could see the value in a Pantone chart. The color you see on screen is RGB. When you PRINT, you print CMYK.....APPLES & ORANGES! On top of that, each individual printer, prints a different output. I just don't get it!

Bob Burns
Bob Burns Signs

1619 Oregon Ave.
Prescott, Az 86305


Posted by Bob Burns (Member # 268) on : addition....if you're trying to match vinyl colors, just carry a manufacturers vinyl swatch folder.....they're FREE!
.....or maybbe I'm just missing the whole damn point!

Bob Burns
Bob Burns Signs

1619 Oregon Ave.
Prescott, Az 86305


Posted by Bill Modzel (Member # 22) on :
Yea Bob, you're missing the point a bit. The Pantone book is just a target. No, the color formulas don't work with One Shot or even most screen inks for that matter. It's just so corporate Joe on the other side of the state can give you a color to reproduce there logo in and Pantone 292 in Detroit is the same as Pantone 292 in Traverse City. Sure has "a bit darker than sky blue" beat!

Bill Modzel
Mod-Zel screen Printing
Traverse city, MI

Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Joey your just to damn good!!!!!

But when quoting on a contract and the agreement says Pantone 547c Background..(Solid Dark Teal)

12 parts Reflex Blue
4 parts Chrome Yellow
1 part Black.

I like to know that I am going to be real close to the colour match and there is no arguement between the customer and myself.
As well as no waste of paint putting it together.

Has anyone tried to print out Fluorescent colour or true golds and chromes (Can't be done)...Prints aren't that good for colour matching.

I say..
Buy the chart as you will need it if a contract (Quote) comes your way and all you have is the specs..on colours.

Airbrushed by Raven
Lower Sackville N.S.


Posted by Doug Downey (Member # 829) on :

Check out Canadian Signcrafters Supply.
I designed their website and I know they sell the chart. Also Coreldraw has the chart built in if you can deal with the different monitor settings.


Freshink Creative Design Group
376 Romeo, Street
Stratford, ON N5A 4T9

Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
one of the reasons for the printer replacing their PMS book is that the colors have faded.
i have gone through 3 myself and you can tell a big difference between a new book and an older one.

Mark Fair

Mark Fair Signs

Home of "Sign of the Month

2162 Mt. Meigs Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36107


Posted by Corey Wine (Member # 1640) on :
Thanks for the replies everyone!
Stephen nailed it. As I know the chart does not pertain to 1-shots.....I can still have the fomula to get pretty damned close! I will try to match vinyl as close as possible and see if the customer is ok with it. In this case, I am doing a 4' X 16' MDO sign with vinyl (burgundy and Cadet blue) There will be a 2" border that I will inevitably paint to match the Cadet blue. It's actually PMS 308 I believe. The customer is ok with the Cadet blue though. Snuck a peek at a friends pantone chart and all I need is some process blue and black...sounds simple enough. Now I just have to learn how to mix a pint. I usually end up with 3 gallons by the tiome I'm done getting it 'close'.ha ha.
Thanks again!

Corey Wine
Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
The ex-Californian Canadian

"I cooked a meatloaf recipe that I downloaded off of the internet. A day later, I got a stomach VIRUS....Coincidence?"

Posted by Monte Jumper (Member # 1106) on :
It is a well known fact that people that use PMS charts well spend their afterlife in hell handcuffed to an architect.On the other hand we need to control the propagation of architects (the most flagrant users of PMS)
so go ahead use that matching system to try and mix amd match paints and always remember "He who lives by PMS dies by PMS"

Monte Jumper

Posted by ErnieBalch on :
Sign craft doesn't advertise the Colortones color chart because the person who put it together is deceased. Sign Craft said They are all out of them, and no more will be made. I was fortunate to buy a used one from someone on this BB. Thank you!

Diane Balch
Balch Signs
Malta, NY

Balch Signs
1045 Raymond Rd
Ballston Spa, NY 12020
Wholesale Routing


Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
architects and ad agencies!
right on monte.
well said brother.


Mark Fair

Mark Fair Signs

Home of "Sign of the Month

2162 Mt. Meigs Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36107

[This message has been edited by Mark Fair Signs (edited May 24, 2001).]

Posted by Bruce Bowers (Member # 892) on :
ohmigosh... dana has p.m.s.?!?!?!?! oh man...

oh jees...

Bruce Bowers

"how great are His signs..."
Daniel 4:3

i am a proud supporter of this website!


Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
If I am going to hell in a hand basket being handcuffed to a Architect or an Ad Agent....I hope she's good looking!!!!!

Sometimes they are the ones controlling the ballgame and you have to play by thier rules.

Let them sweat it out with the customer over colours and design and all I have to do is produce the item.
Clean and simple!
We all get the paycheck in the end.

Airbrushed by Raven
Lower Sackville N.S.


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