The windows were still smeared, but I got started, resigning myself to the fact that one: this job had to be done today, my flight leaves this evening, two: I have been painting for this company all over the western states for over 8 years and would like to continue giving them excellent service and three:....I need the $$$
So......5 hours later, drained, scratched from the bushes, shakey from not eating lunch (I'm diabetic) and only having fruit juice available, my arm really hurting......I finish the job.
Now one of the company's execs was there (I've known him a long time, nice guy) and i told him how I usually charge a 'obstical fee' for these situations and would he think the co. would pay that extra fee, he said have them call him if they had any questions and he'll see I get it.... which was nice.
OK....for those who are still reading and having wondered off to something more interesting....
Am I right to ask for extra payment on a job that is particularily difficult or inconvienient?
I charge them a flat fee for any of the jobs i do for them wheather I have to fly and stay over or drive 20 miles from my house.
Some of the ones I do for them are too easy, but I figure it's a big nationwide company and my fee for the advertising they get is nothing in thier budget.
Belive me, this one was a real bear!!
Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat
Benicia, CA
[This message has been edited by AdrienneMorgan (edited May 12, 2001).]
Life should have a balance, without a little
bad, you wouldn't appreciate the GOOD so much !!
Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
Waikoloa, Hawaii
Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA
(714) 521-4810
ICQ # 330407
"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"
Brushasaurus on Chat
Gladly supporting this BB !
Roger (the smirk)
Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
Waikoloa, Hawaii
"Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend" - John Sargent
Karen Tighe,
Sligo in the Wild Wet West of Ireland.
mIRC = cafe_cruiser
St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
surf or MoJo on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
(206) 300-0153
Seattle WA.....!
A day without sunshine is like, you know...night
From sharp minds come sharp products
Si Allen #562
La Mirada, CA. USA
(714) 521-4810
ICQ # 330407
"SignPainters do It with Longer Strokes!"
Brushasaurus on Chat
Gladly supporting this BB !
St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
The next job will be spotless and the Red Carpet will be on the ground for you.
It's not your fault that some lazy employee did have time to prep your work area.
I would think you gave them more then enough notice before getting there!
But still (Better Luck next Time!)
Airbrushed by Raven
Lower Sackville N.S.
But today I realized what these weird fruits are on this little 5 ft. tree.
If you have ever seen a mature " Hawian Avacado" then you know how happy it would make a real Avacado lover !!
They get bigger then Grapefruit, and I have about 25 or 30 on the tree(bout the size of mainland style) but they have another month or so to mature(ripen).
PS. Si, going to Maui next week, will be thinkin bout you,Pierre,Joey.
Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
Waikoloa, Hawaii
John Deaton III
Deaton Design
109 N. Cumberland Ave.,Harlan, Ky. 40831 606-573-9101
Roger, when can I come visit???
Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat
Benicia, CA
Michael Boone
Sign Painter
5828 Buerman Rd.Sodus,NY 14551
Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat
Benicia, CA
Tyler Malinky
A Step Above Signs
Cleveland, Ohio
440.842.1894 fax or
What would you have done if you knew what you were getting in to? Suppose you had seen a photo of the obsticles and had the opportunity to prepare for it? Could the shrubs have been trimmed on the building side to make room for you? How about if you had staged a plank over the bushes across some step ladders ? What would have made it an easier job?
The SignShop
Mendocino, California
"Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"
Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat
Benicia, CA
IMHO, I would send a supplemental invoice charging an additional twenty (DeWayne says thirty) percent and include any photos you have of the job as well as the name of the exec. as a reference.
DeWayne says to carry a chain saw - works great for bushes! (hehe)
P.S. The lions, and tigers, and bears are waiting!
Valerie Connot
DOA Flatliners
North Wales, PA