I had the unfortunate need to wear my "bodyman/painter" hat this weekend. Brand new car (one week old) got backed into another (yes it was Shirley's new car!). Minor damage but the rear bumper needed repair/painting.
The dealership had done some MAJOR waxing on the car for delivery and my major concern was ending up with "fisheyes". I used regular wax and silicone remover about 3 times before I did anything. THEN I used the sample of Rapid Prep that Roger had sent. It lifted the wax/silicone (or whatever they used) even after the regular stuff. (You'd have to witness the reaction to understand what indicators there are when silicone is present).
Anyway, Rapid Prep DOES really work!!!!! Sprayed the bumper today and had no problems whatsoever.
Thanks for the sample Roger..I am ordering a gallon from my supplier tomorrow!
(unsolicited recommendation)
------------------ Dave Grundy AKA "applicator" on mIRC "stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!" in Granton, Ontario, Canada 1-519-225-2634 dave.grundy@quadro.net www.quadro.net/~shirley
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
A GALLON? Dave, isn't that over-reacting? Why not just get Shirley into defensive driving classes?
------------------ Don Coplen aka "SaintPete" Coplen Designs St.Petersburg, FL dcoplen@mindspring.com
Posted by Colleen Henderson (Member # 906) on :
Boy, do I need some of that Rapid Prep! In 15 years I've been in sign business, have never had problem until last few weeks with vinyl sticking to vehicle. Did windows of a van for business next door to us & they've fallen off 3x. We used Prep Sol, alcohol first time, and warned him there might be problem. After 1 side fell off, re did and cleaned with Prep Sol, alcohol, Bon Ami cake and then alcohol. After a few letters fell off again we did all of the above & when there still was still a film, tried Rapid Remover, Laquer thinner, lighter fluid etc. I thought the shop would blow up! Sounds to me like Rapid Prep might be the answer but supplier who sells me Rapid Tac & Remover doesn't have Prep - Roger who would have in my area? It's strange that problem seems to be 1 car wash - had a bit of problem with another business neighbour too! Maybe it's just the neighbours!
------------------ Colleen Henderson Signs Now, Thunder Bay, ON signsnow@tbaytel.net
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
I (at the risk of sounding poumpus) told ya it was good stuff!!
Actually, I was a painter for more years then I like to remember, and every time I had to get the spray gun goin I would wash 2 times with The X brand solvents. The FISHEYES would always show up. Now I have grown up and made my own wash solvent, and not only is it a great workin product,but its NON FLAMMABLE,NON HAZARDOUS!!
Thanks Dave, and any of you guys (and gals) who wish to try it just e-mail your address to mail@rapidtac.com , and please, tell everyone about it !!
Thanks! Roger
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
Heheh....Roger has Rapid Prep available in 5 gallon containers. That's what I get. Even if he is wearing a pink shirt.
Don, are you BRAGING or COMPLAINING ?? Just kiddin Don, but you do look very PROUD in that photo !! And Glen, my 23 year old wife makes me wear it !!
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Hi Roger I was just wondering if you have sent out the free gallons and T-Shirts. Not trying to push you but I havn't gotting mine as of yet! The ones for the design contest. If not can I ask for The rapid prep instead of application fluid.. If not then I gladly take what you give myself.
Jolly Roger fishing fluid? Sounds different!
------------------ Raven/2001 Airbrushed by Raven Lower Sackville N.S. deveausdiscovery@sprint.ca
Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Stephen, We are just waiting for the "new shirts". I will try to get you Prep instead of Rapid Tac,Sometimes they let me have my way !!!
------------------ Roger Bailey Rapid Tac Incorporated Waikoloa, Hawaii
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
OK! Thanks Jolly Roger!!!!!!
------------------ Raven/2001 Airbrushed by Raven Lower Sackville N.S. deveausdiscovery@sprint.ca
Posted by Greg Gulliford (Member # 170) on :
I've been through a couple of gallons of RapidPrep in the last 6 months and I have to admit it is some swell some. I clean everything with it! It even got some grease stains out of the carpet in my office a few weeks back!
------------------ Greg Gulliford aka MetroDude Metro Signs and Banners 1403 N. Greene St. #1 Spokane, WA 99202 509-536-9452