TM = Trademark/Indicated the originator claims a trademark on the marked material. Press Alt+0153
------------------ Ken Morse Jamn Graphics Santa Cruz, CA
Posted by Bruce Williams (Member # 691) on :
And ® is Alt 0174, ¾ is Alt 0190, etc. Won't hurt to copy a bunch of those off your Character Map in Programs-Accessories, and set them into neat columns to print and stick onto the wall. The effort helps memory.
Bruce Williams Lexington KY
------------------ Bruce Williams
Posted by Jerry Smith (Member # 688) on :
Why bother writing them or remembering them? Assuming you're using Corel, they are all easily accessable from the "Type Assist" menu. (Tools / Writing Tools / Type Assist) Those, and lots more are there.
------------------ Jerry Smith Graphics Now Mt.Clemens, Michigan
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Thankx Ken I will NEVER have Corel nor a MAC.Doubt if I will ever use the shortcuts either,But at least I now know thanks to you.
------------------ PKing is Pat King of King Sign Design in McCalla,Alabama The Professor of SIGNOLOGY