Come on residents, send in your mugshots!
You are all looking great and I wanna see more of you!
Just another way this site is so cool!
Don'cha think?
"When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"
Janette Balogh
Creative Studio
Joe Rees
Cape Craft Signs
(Cape Cod, MA)
Creative Signs
St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Im also very pleased. Steve took my photo two years ago when he came to my house to visit. We were sitting at the kitchen table.
I have lost a few more hairs on my head and grown some new ones in my ears
So you are seeing the correct likeness of me at my present age of 48 (49 this
June 14,) what I lack in appearnance I'll try to make up with a big heart!
Thanks Steve and Barb!
Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA
My Next Article In The April Issue of Sign Builder Illustrated covers step by steps on "digital airbrushing" YOU CAN DO!
309-828-7110 Draper_Dave on mIRC chat
St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
surf or MoJo on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
(206) 300-0153
Seattle WA.....!
A day without sunshine is like, you know...night
From sharp minds come sharp products
Well, your right, but those eyebrows grew back. It was the little accident I had with the blow torch heating down rivits on the new semi truck I was lettering. The torch fell over, I reached down to grab it and it burnt my arm and I droped it, and then it rolled under the fuel tanks and the truck exploded and the customer wouldnt pay me after I got out of the hospital!
(The above is a joke....this story never happened) Just playing around! But I would never use a blow torch around a fuel tank. I've seen too many body shops burn down.
Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA
My Next Article In The April Issue of Sign Builder Illustrated covers step by steps on "digital airbrushing" YOU CAN DO!
309-828-7110 Draper_Dave on mIRC chat
Hey Dave, true story- the Father-Out-Law lost his eyebrows once... from working on a carburator with a cig in his mouth. he pulls back on the gas lever and VaROOOOM! "Holy #$*&(@ @)!" and Dad pops his head out from behind the hood with 70% less hair than he started that day with. He was fine... looked really funny for awhile, but he was fine. And Yes, he still works on carbs with cigs! Go figure? He keeps things interesting around here!
The daughter-out-law side of the Moon heh heh heh
The Moon
aka: Stefenie Harris
Moonlight Designs
Pollock Pines, CA
learnin' somethin' new every day!