John Harville
J & K Screen Printing Co.
115 Cottonwood Lane
Danville, Va 24540
Still working on a slogan.
St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Christian S.
Slager's Budget Signs
Bradenton, Florida
Louis A. Lazarus
Milt's Sign Service, Inc.
20 So. Linden Ave. #5B
Louis is correct about the S-750 being a “dumb” plotter; meaning there is no communication device within the machine. If you have a 4B or a Sprint you can access the machine with a standard A/B switch box. I am told that it has to be a 4B or Sprint, not a Super Sprint or other plotter, as those two machines can have the communication capability to drive the S-750. I have never personally seen this setup, only been told about it. The interface card Louis mentioned is no longer available from Gerber. When it was, it listed somewhere around $2,000. There apparently are some used cards that surface ever once in a great while. So if the stars and moon are aligned in your favor, yes you can get it to plot from OMEGA. Is it worth the money and the effort? Good question.
No experience with SignLab, can’t help on that one.
For what it's worth
Bob Gilliland
The InKnowVative Group
Harrisburg, PA
"A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous, and then dismissed as trivial,
until it finally becomes what everybody knows"
William James
Lewis, i have a fastcard (sp) in my sprint now to run SL. Just haven't had tome to email you about it.
Think i'm gonna hold off till next week though. I'm rebuilding both puters this weekend.
Thanks for all the advice. Will try to post results.
Have a Happy Easter.
John Harville
J & K Screen Printing Co.
115 Cottonwood Lane
Danville, Va 24540
Still working on a slogan.
Dennis Veenema
The Sign Shop
Dresden, Ont.
GigaBytes Plus
"Where the plus is the service!"
John Harville
J & K Screen Printing Co.
115 Cottonwood Lane
Danville, Va 24540
Still working on a slogan.