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Posted by Mike Lavallee (Member # 320) on :

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to share with you some information for any of you who are trying to think of a way to increase your business and look more professional at the same time.

Since the big move here to the North West, My business has just multiplied at an amazing rate. the quality of my work is leagues beyond what it was only 5 years ago.

So , I decided that I wanted to do something for my business that would help me market my work to the the range of clients that I wanted to reach. What I did was to go to the Printer that handles my Business cards and discuss the idea of a brochure to showcase some of my work. I collected some photo's of my more recent pieces and got some copy ready for the printer. we decided on a tri fold 11x17 brochure in full color on cover stock so it would "FEEL" professional and expensive. well I showed them to people at the Seattle roadster show and got an emediate response from them! All good I might add! The cost for the brochures for 1000 of them cost around $1500.00 but have already paid for themselves 10 times over in just 2 weeks! and the thing I like about them is, unlike a business card, these brochures are like mini portfolio's that they will keep and show around to friends. anyway, I just wanted to let you know that this is just another way to showcase your work to the clients you're looking for. its well worth the investment.


Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And Dance like no one's watching. :)
Mike Lavallee
Mike Lavallee's Pinstriping & Airbrush Art
Everett, WA


Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Sounds great Mike! Would it be possible to scan both sides of the brochure, and email it to me? I can then post it for you for others to see.

72 dpi, jpg

Graphic Impact
Abbotsford, BC, Canada


Posted by Mike Lavallee (Member # 320) on :

Hi Donna,

I tried to scan it the other day to share in the Chat room but it came out with a wierd dot pattern from the printing. I'll send you one snail mail if you'd like maybe you'll have better luck than me. Mike

Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And Dance like no one's watching.
Mike Lavallee
Mike Lavallee's Pinstriping & Airbrush Art
Everett, WA

[This message has been edited by Mike Lavallee (edited March 30, 2001).]

Posted by Mike Pipes (Member # 1573) on :

If you want to try scanning that again, there might be a setting in your scanning software called "Descreening" or something similar.

That setting is for scanning prints like you have and it eliminates the dots and makes the image more of a continuous tone. It takes longer to scan as the scan head makes multiple passes to do this but I've done scanning like that before and it comes out perfect every time.

Mike Pipes
Digital Illusion Custom Graphics
Lake Havasu City, AZ


Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Hey Guys.. just about ready to go to print with some brochures myself.... and since Donna is such a sweetheart, and oh so kind, maybe she'll post my brochure for me?
I'll email it now...
Yes Mike, a brochure is an amazing selling tool, and for those of you thinking about it, go ahead and do it!

"Keep Positive"

Neil Butler
Paradise, NF

Posted by Adrienne Pereira (Member # 1046) on :
I'm just now getting motivated to do a brochere...but don't have the capitol to put out that much cash at the moment....maybe someone can do a step by step on making some at home to get started. I need to try out different looks and copy before I go with the finished product anyway.

Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs
"Rainkatt'on chat

Benicia, CA


Posted by Gailforce (Member # 152) on :
thanks for the post. this is what i've been working on for the past week or so. i have a nice postcard finished up. now i am back to finishing the brochure.

i have received divine inspiration from people who responded to my post wanting to see others' brochures. i want to see yours' too....

maybe i could figure out how to compress and post mine too.

wacky wetcoast of bc

Posted by David Fisher (Member # 107) on :
I know the timing didnt correspond between the printing of the brochures and the website but did you get your URL printed on them?
Judging by the pics you sent me that site is gunna be full of some sweet images.
Did you have a contingency plan with that side of things?
I suppose if its not on the brochure itself you could always print off some sticky labels and put them somewhere unobtrusive on the brochures.
Just curious

P.S. I'd be interested to see them if you try the descreening process and get a decent scan of them

D.A. & P.M. Fisher Signwriting
Brisbane Australia


Posted by Mike Lavallee (Member # 320) on :

I did put my url and email on the brochure. also all the logo's match on my business cards ansd website and brochures now ( will be up and running in about a week or two) and email is now ( now active ) Mike

Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And Dance like no one's watching. :)
Mike Lavallee
Mike Lavallee's Pinstriping & Airbrush Art
Everett, WA


Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Hi guys,

Mike, thanks for emailing me the cover. Wow, that is gonna be some brochure! The Globe is acting up and I can't upload it at the present time. I'll try again from time to time till it's done.

Graphic Impact
Abbotsford, BC, Canada

[This message has been edited by Donna in BC (edited April 02, 2001).]

Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
hey spyke,

good deal!

i like the domain name!

your work speaks for itself...

content is all important... and you have it mike!

if i can help with your web vision, then give me a call...


Mark Fair

Mark Fair Signs

Home of "Sign of the Month

2162 Mt. Meigs Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36107

"Mark Fair is a Proud Contributor to The Letterhead Site!"


Posted by Colleen Santucci (Member # 1085) on :
hey there mike - good deal man - YOU ROCK !!

take care.

:) Colleen Santucci
SixFlags Darien Lake Sign Shop
Darien Center, NY


Posted by Mike Lavallee (Member # 320) on :

Hey Colleen, Congrats are in order!
hope all is well back home. ....oh by the way, I hear you have snow? hmmm, well we have pink snow right now...thats right PINK!! hahaha the cherry trees have been in bloom for a couple of weeks now and the petals are starting to fall off the trees now.. just had to rub it in a little to my home girl hehehe. and thanks for the offer Mark I may be calling on you for some assistance soon! take care, Mike

Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And Dance like no one's watching. :)
Mike Lavallee
Mike Lavallee's Pinstriping & Airbrush Art
Everett, WA


Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
Killerpaint I like it! Sort of got a ring to it..........

aka/ HotLines Joey Madden
Pinstriper and manufacturer of Killerkarts


Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
now see what you have gone and done spyke!
you woke joey madden up!!!


Mark Fair

Mark Fair Signs

Home of "Sign of the Month

2162 Mt. Meigs Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36107

"Mark Fair is a Proud Contributor to The Letterhead Site!"


Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Coming from a long line of printers,I know 4 color process on quality paper is the very BEST way to go.Anything else would look cheap and a waste of time trying to produce via Desk Top Publisher.As we try to tell OUR own customers the same is true with Signs.I think we should take our own advice.Smart thinking Mike! It should be pointed out that this kind of advertising is an Investment to the future of our own company.NOT a waste of our money."it takes money to make money"
Also try to work closely with your printer,as opposed to sending them away to a mail order catalog.

PKing is
Pat King of
King Sign Design in
The Professor of


Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Here's a link to Mike's brochure cover... Hot or what!

Graphic Impact
Abbotsford, BC, Canada


Posted by Glenn Taylor (Member # 162) on :
....the quality of my work is leagues beyond what it was only 5 years ago.

I just don't see how that's possible.

Warning: A well designed sign may cause fatigue due to increased business.


Posted by Mike Lavallee (Member # 320) on :
Hey thanks Donna, looks great! nice job. you are the coolest!

Work like you don't need the money, Love like you've never been hurt, And Dance like no one's watching. :)
Mike Lavallee
Mike Lavallee's Pinstriping & Airbrush Art
Everett, WA


Posted by Gailforce (Member # 152) on :

wacky wetcoast of bc

Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
Neil Butler wanted me to post his brochure for him...
here it is...

great work Neil!

Mark Fair

Mark Fair Signs

Home of "Sign of the Month

2162 Mt. Meigs Road
Montgomery, Alabama 36107

"Mark Fair is a Proud Contributor to The Letterhead Site!"


Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Hey Mark, thanks a lot,One of these days I'll learn to post.

"Keep Positive"

Neil Butler
Paradise, NF

Posted by Linda Silver Eagle (Member # 274) on :
Nice work boys! I'm impressed! You should have Glenn's disease soon, fatigue from great advertising!

That was a nice compliment to Mike, Glenn...I agree with you, yet he still manages to keep me drooling!

Neil, a real man can use a pink background...(feng shui-wise, good choice!)

You guys just have to keep upping the level of WOW dontcha? ...hehehe!

DrQuill - Mural Woman
Georgia, USA


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