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Posted by Jim Upchurch (Member # 209) on :

Olympia WA


Posted by Terry Bull Sign & Custom (Member # 1876) on :
I get sick travelling backwards !

Terry Bull
Sign & Custom
12 Cresthill Avenue
Grays Essex RM17 5UJ

Posted by Aladd (Member # 1996) on :
I got mine last week, works great...TIP..spend the $5.00 on the toilet paper holder, I dropped my paper & it rolled down the hill well you can guess the rest. Everything would have been fine if the little OLE lady wouldn't have thought I was chasing her because I was running down the hill behind her car with my pants around my ankles, I swore to the officer I was chasing the toilet paper. Well, he didn't believe me and a week later neither did the judge, I received a $100.00 fine for public nudity. Moral of the story get the toilet paper roll holder it's worth every penny.
and saves you the humiliation of looking like a pervert.

Alan Ladd

Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :
That west coast climate has twisted you some...You need some "quality time" in New York!....upstate that is.....
Rural yer dumpies inna woods! where ya pee!...We got electric now..that cow fence might be hot!!!!

Michael Boone
Sign Painter
5828 Buerman Rd.Sodus,NY 14551


Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
I can see the pratical use of this product!!!

When you are traveling out in the middle of the desert to paint a BuTT Ugly Sign!
That no one can see for miles and miles!

Especially in areas were if you park your Arse behind some bush to do your business there may be a big old nasty

But Gentleman please remember to lift the seat and put it down afterwards for the Ladies!
The only thing we have to worry about in the winter is how cold would that seat be and could you actually get frost bit or frozen to it~! Please Help me as I am Stuck!

Airbrushed by Raven
Lower Sackville N.S.


Posted by Tony McDonald (Member # 1158) on :
If you mounted it on the front of you would make one hell of a hood ornament? He he he

When good things happen...that must be a sign!!
Tony McDonald
DBA-Ace Graphics & Printing
P.O. Box 91
Camdenton, MO. USA
(573) 346-6696


Posted by Jim Upchurch (Member # 209) on :
This is a great product, just shows you what some ingenuity can do. I'm getting one with a dashboard mounted dump feature for tailgaters. Kill two birds with one stone !
No more rushing installation jobs at remote locations either. I gonna work on a magazine rack and heated nonskid soft seat. I'll keep you posted.

Olympia WA


Posted by Aladd (Member # 1996) on :
Don't forget a laptop adapter so while your doing your business you can check the Letterheads BB to see whats going on !

Alan Ladd

Posted by ScooterX (Member # 2023) on :
i tried it... but with the 36" mud tires and the lift kit, my feet sort of dangled off the ground... plus, you gotta watch it when you parallel park.

:: don't blame me... i'm just a beginner


Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
My husband is a fast driver so I think that I need the strat-o-lounger version so that I can lean back and kick my feet up into resting postion. I would hate to have my husband wear my feet off dragging behind. Hey that might not be so back. I could get a little be-hind...

Laura Butler
Vision Graphics and Sign
560 Oak St.
Lapeer, Mi 48446

"Anything thats comes from my shop, comes from the right brain."

[This message has been edited by Laura Butler (edited March 24, 2001).]

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