The photo is getting kicked out for some reason, so just click the link; it works.
Jack Davis
1410 Main St
Joplin, MO 64801
[This message has been edited by bronzeo (edited February 27, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by bronzeo (edited February 27, 2001).]
Welcome here, I sent you a mail last night..hope you got it OK...I found a link here which might help you
Hope this link works
Henry Barker #1924
SignCraft AB
Stockholm, Sweden.
A little bit of England in a corner of Stockholm
The guys that make the GrainFraim use that exact setup. I know they blast ALOT of signs. They have given me alot of information and have never steered me wrong. Everything they have told me is right on.
They said the key to using a compressor as small as 5 hp is the 80 gallon tank which gives you enough reserve air for this setup to work.
I am currently using a 100cfm compressor with a 1/4 inch tip. I am blasting outdoors with silica sand (until my indoor booth is finished. Then I'm switching to aluminum oxide) I find that blasting HDU takes less than half the time (if that) as blasting redwood. I blast redwood at 90 psi and foam at 65 psi. I just noticed that Precision Board recommends even less pressure, around 50 psi.
Since my set up blasts HDU at half the time as redwood at less pressure, I would think a 1/8 inch tip would blast at least at similar time on foam as a big rig on redwood. Also I've been told that aluminum oxide cuts much faster than sand. Of course the key to using aluminum oxide is to use it over and over, foam dust and all. Most shops replace their Al Oxide about once a year which makes it cheaper than sand in the long run. You can only blast foam with it though. When I do an occasional redwood piece, it will be with sand outside, keeping the indoor blasting on HDU only with aluminum oxide.
Dave Sherby
SherWood Sign & Graphic Design
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
ICQ: 21604027