I need a source for aluminum sign cabinets in the northern Illinois area, possibly. It can be anywhere if the price is reasonable, and I know Wensco is in the Chicago area.
He is looking at price and will probably need
a knock-down kit to save money.
(he is a race car engine mechanic, and an avid racing fan.) He is finally putting up his sign! We appreciate any names of companies that are reasonable and anywhere in the U.S. for that matter. With all my nieces and nephew to raise, they could use a real break. He is a great guy and uncle to my kids!
Thanks a bunch, Deb
Creative Signs
Laura Butler
Vision Graphics and Sign
560 Oak St.
Lapeer, Mi 48446
"Anything thats comes from my shop, comes from the right brain."
Any help would be appreciated. I know there is a place here called Hendrix that does that. I am interested also, since I don't put together the cabinets and need them from time to time too. I know my brother-in-law
needs a knock-down kit, (unassembled) since he and his brother can assemble and wire it.
I think the savings is substantial, but I am looking for a company such as what you mentioned for my own knowledge. Price can be a factor sometimes, too. Send it along if you will or email me at dfo7503884@aol.com
Laura thank you again.
Creative Signs
Marc & Mike Estep
SignCrafters of London
202 E. 4th St
London Ky