OPEN="start ppview97.exe"
In reality I'd like it to open the viewer installation package AND a readme.txt file with the txt file open on top.
I am test burning it on a CDRW and cant get it to even open the ppview.exe
Is this because its a CDRW or have I got the syntax wrong somewhere? (I've had some CDRW quirks in the past)
Are there better file types to use instead of txt as a list of instructions? (This will be viewed/followed by people only marginally computer literate)
Any and all suggestions appreciated
D.A. & P.M. Fisher Signwriting
Brisbane Australia
Your syntax is off, at least as far as I can see. It should be:
icon=ppview97.exe (or any other file, even a file with an .ico extension)
The icon line is optional, but is a nice touch because it will give your CD the icon from the file specifed after the =.
To open both files, I would try:
open="ppview97.exe" "notepad.exe readme.txt"
(it would seem that loading readme.txt second would place it on top, but if the autorun shell doesn't wait for ppview97.exe to finish then that may open on top because it takes longer).
That should solve it for you!
Mark Smith
Ampersand Signs & Design
EstiMate Sign Estimating Software
Hailing from beautiful Asheville, N.C.
[This message has been edited by Mark Smith (edited February 22, 2001).]
It is annoying as heck to put in a CD and have it try to re-install a progroam that is already installed!!
Maybe that isn't what yer talkin about though?
Dave Grundy
AKA "applicator" on mIRC
"stickin' sticky stuff to valuable vessels and vehicles!"
in Granton, Ontario, Canada
D.A. & P.M. Fisher Signwriting
Brisbane Australia
now u had to know i would say that didnt u?
u can choose to have a 'self-running' show or 'user' show
i did this recently and e-mailed it to the appropriate ppl, works like a dream
on chat T2
Gail & Dave
NSW Australia
sumtimes ya just gota
D.A. & P.M. Fisher Signwriting
Brisbane Australia
on chat T2
Gail & Dave
NSW Australia
sumtimes ya just gota
[autorun] Open=CmdLine
Icon=IconPathName, IconIndex
Shell\Option1=MenuOptionString1 Shell\Option1\Command=CmdLineOption1
Shell\Option2=MenuOptionString2 Shell\Option2\Command=CmdLineOption2
Icon=MyApp.exe, 0
Shell\ReadMe=Read &Me First
Shell\ReadMe\Command=Notepad.exe Readme.Txt
The open command will only open the file. What you need to do is use the start command.
open=start start.html
Either that or use the open=whatever.bat then in the whatever.bat have it do the start command.
This example from a magazine CD. The autorun.inf file is:
The go.bat file had one line:
start menu\index.htm
This started the browser at the index file (in menu folder)
.....short example
...........long example
open = setup.exe /i
icon = setup.exe, 1
shell\configure = &Configure...
shell\configure\command = setup.exe /c
shell\install = &Install...
shell\install\command = setup.exe /i
shell\readme = &Read Me
shell\readme\command = notepad help\readme.txt
shell\help = &Help
shell\help\command = winhlp32 help\helpfile.hlp
Taking it line by line, this says:
The default AutoPlay command will be "setup /i"
The icon for the CD will be icon #1 in setup.exe
Four commands will be added to the right-click pop-up menu:
which will run "setup /c"
which will run "setup /i" (same as auto-run in this case)
'Read Me',
which launches notepad.exe to display "readme.txt"
which displays a helpfile with the Win95 help facility
For more information:
http://www.microsoft.com/win32dev/uiguide/uigui276.htm http://www.gui.com.au/avdf/oct95/samp_autoplay.html
Bruce Jackson
Melbourne, Australia