In Canada, does anyone know what steps I need to take in order to get paid for some outstanding invoices?
I prefer not to go the collections route. They've never worked for me yet. I know I know, 50% up front, 100% balance upon completion. Sometimes we slip up, ok?
I wish to become a thorn in these deadbeat's sides. Putting a lean on their vehicle, biz, whatever it takes. I'm tired of writing deadbeat's amounts off as a loss and it's time to go after my money. I'd like to turn to the route with the least amount of babysitting possible.
For lettering on trucks, I've heard it's cruicial to document the serial number of that vehicle in case non payment is an issue for some reason.
Isn't it interesting that we NEVER forget those that rip us off?
I just need to vent abit here. I have a long time customer that is very rich, but acts very blonde. (not to insult blondes, just a figure of speech) He'll call and schedule his truck to be lettered, no notice. He doesn't show. We go through this a couple times until I finally broadcast that the bodyshop is holding the bay for me, just give me a yes or no. He showed. Even after educating him on carrying a cheque with him, nope. Always a reason. In all honesty, this guy does pay, never messed with me yet, however with these blonde antics of his, one never knows. I charge him very top dollar for the trouble. That's NEVER an issue for him.
Another place is a good contract type of arrangement. I do a $2000 job. They are to pay in 30 days, which they always do if not sooner. Four months of harassing them, I finally get a cheque for less than half. I heard through the grapevine that this place now has a game in effect. Apparently the boss was overheard saying, "Don't pay ANYONE until we get three phone calls!" Needless to say, they wanted another job done by me, and I said no go until they pay up, PLUS the next job will be payment in advance. They went with someone else. I called the someone else and warned him. Apparently they owe the someone else money too, so he's not only not going to do the job until he gets paid, he won't do it until we're both paid.
What is it about these ding dongs? They work themselves up to a wonderful credit rating, you trust in them, and then they fail you? Don't they understand that good biz relationships result from paying your bills?!? I couldn't buy one roll of vinyl if I didn't pay my suppliers. I need my vinyl, so I pay my bills.
Due to these few that have gone bad on me, I'm becoming much harsher in getting paid. I can see the puzzlement in some of my regular's eyes. Wow, suddenly I need deposits, etc.
Some I will always offer accounts to, however I'm going to look into taking visa next week, as my method of deposits and payment for all orders over the phone.
Whew. I'm done for now. Just feeling a little burned out from chasing idots. ------------------ Graphic Impact Abbotsford, BC, Canada
[This message has been edited by Donna in BC (edited February 17, 2001).]
Posted by Mike O'Neill (Member # 470) on :
Hi Donna,
I don't know if you're a member of the CFIB (canadian federation of independant businesses) But they negotiated a GREAT rate with scotiabank visa.
"The best things in life aren't things" Art Buchwald
Posted by Brad Farha (Member # 931) on :
Donna, you are a nice person. Problem is, in business nice people get burned. You are beginning to see this first hand and are getting tired of it. I don't blame you. But you now have to decide if you want to keep having these kinds of problems in the future and learn to overlook them, or if you get tough and adopt strict payment terms. I vote for adopting strict payment terms! What I did was to accept credit cards for payment. You'll find that most of these jokers will figure out a way to pay you quicker rather than use a card. Why? Because they don't want to pay interest and late fees when they fail to pay the credit card company on time. That's why they take their time with you. Unfortunately, the thing they try to do is to operate on your money. I don't know about you, but they are not going to operate their businesses on my money! The nasty truth is that when money is involved in any transaction, the best of friends become enemies. So why would a casual acquaintance do any better?
Go ahead - get tough! Somehow I think you'll still be a nice person.
Hi, seems we are having the same problem...a lot of my accounts have taken 30/60/90 to be 90/120/etc. I made a decision this year that any project from $250.00 and under is "cash" up-front. No exceptions. One thing I have found effective is to send a polite fax, twice a day......9:00/3:00, seems a lot of these scoundrels don't like the office staff knowing that they don,t pay! It seems that some people assume that good product, good service, etc., means you can be walked on......don't know about lien's on vehicle's, but a building lien is'nt that involved. It might be interesting to phone a Bailiff and inquire as to what they require to "hook" the big time customer's truck?...Good Luck...........Ron
------------------ "Of all the things I've lost in my life...I miss my mind the most" Ron Norwood 6732 Raleigh Street Vancouver, BC V5S 2X1 Phone/Fax: (604) 437-0899
Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Hi Doanna have you ever tried the approach of 30/30/30 on 30 1/3rd. up front to start the job. 1/3rd. when job is finished.(state not to be installed until the cheque clears) 1/3rd. on a 30 day max grace period. It helps break down the bill for the customer in time payments. And if in the end you have to phone,remind, or fax them on the last you are not out all the working capital you need for the next job.
Hope this helps...
------------------ Raven/2000 Airbrushed by Raven Lower sackville N.S.
Posted by Glenn Racoma (Member # 1846) on :
Hey Donna...I had the same problem but only lasted for a month. I agree with Brad on getting hooked up with a charge system. Ever since doing that I find that payments are quicker and is sure nice to know that while I'm asleep at home, payments are automaticly deposited in my business account. Now that's going to make a good knights sleep. Twenty percent of my customers are now paying by credit card over the phone. And also, emediatly after doing a job on the sight, I simply call-in with Master charge/Visa the client's account number along with the total and within three to four days money is in the bank. But before starting any job, be sure the payment plan is upfront with your client and that they agree with it by giving you thier credit card number as a confirmation to do the transaction. The monthly fees for this service fairly fluctuates on your montly totals of which is not even noticed campared to gambling the hope of getting payed out on a job(s).
Zion of DeZion Signs Kaneohe, Hi.
------------------ de signs
Posted by ron norwood (Member # 1492) on :
Hi, I should have been long winded and vented a bunch of thing's in my post. In B.C., we have a really bad business attiude, the present N.D.P. government has created a situation, (the last ten years) that creates the problem that Donna and I are in. Donna, look, at all the corporate business that has left this province, look at what your business did 10 years ago, and look at your business today..........My non-paying customers were not like this 5 years ago, they now have their customers paying in 60/90/120 of my oldest customers is now paying in the 90/120 day period.........because his people are in the same "rut"...........We need a positive attiude for business here...and fast...If and when we elect a new governmant here things may change....I hope.....My friend's in Ontario tell me everything is great...Steve or Barb may have some input in this regard........that's where they live!...I watch some of the post's on this particular "Old Paint" and wonder why we live so far apart, and, still have the same problems........I really believe it's not a bad's a bad "attitude".........All we can do is ride it out..........In regards to your bad accounts......hang in there.....make them pay....Ron
------------------ "Of all the things I've lost in my life...I miss my mind the most" Ron Norwood 6732 Raleigh Street Vancouver, BC V5S 2X1 Phone/Fax: (604) 437-0899