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Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
This is a new virus similar to Melissa. It sends itself to the names in your addressbook. Delete without opening.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.


Posted by Steve Shortreed (Member # 436) on :
I received 2 copies of this same file when I opened my mail this morning. Norton caught it and I am assuming it is off my system. If you get anything from us that has this name, I ask you to please notify us immediately.

Did you get it from a person named Mona?

Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338


Posted by Brian Stoddard (Member # 39) on :
I got that too, from a customers machine. The subject line was suspicious so I right clicked and checked the properties, If you then check the message source you will see what the attachment is before opening it. Anything with a .vbs ending is obvious trouble so I deleted it and contacted my customer who was unaware of his problems. Looks like a nasty one if it has spread that quickly...

Brian Stoddard
Expressions Signs
A few puddles east of Seattle


Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
I got it this afternoon from a client's computer. Looked suspicious to me. I didn't open it. My client (a CEO) or someone at his office must have. Duh!!!!!

Wayne Webb
Webb Sign Studio
creators of "woodesigns"
"autograph your work with excellence"

[This message has been edited by Wayne Webb (edited February 13, 2001).]

Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Mine came from someone named Lauren. It seems to be all over this morning. I'll put this post on top several times during the day.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.


Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
This has turned up twice so far.

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.


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