This is topic to ALL " Vistors" The can WIN.. in forum Old Archives at The Letterville BullBoard.

To visit this topic, use this URL:

Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
I had purchase a Money order to give to one of the on going projects of this site ,,,, but the one's involved refused it..... SO I went to Wal-mart and purchase a gift certificate in the amount of thirty some dollars.......

It is my contention that ANY one who post on this site IS a supporter,,,,, and in recognition of that idealism I would like to do something nice for them,,,,

I believe it is REAL nice that Steve rewards his LOYALs,,, and carrots the donkey,,,,

But WHY should the rest of HIS site supporters be LEFT out..... (they should NOT)..

SO I shall....voluntary take this position,,,
and we will have a GAME of or OWN....

GAME> guess the last four numbers of that money order...such as 4892 or 1297 or your best guess......

RULES> ONLY VISITORS may participate.....Only one guess per Visitor... you MUST be a visitor on the last day of the drawing...

Term Visitor as defind by the management of this site...

The one coming closest to that number will WIN the GIFT CERTIFICATE from Wal-Mart....

The GAME win run till Valentines DAY.....

No I am not rich,,, No you will not win Sign Crap,,,,, because there is more to life than SIGNS.....good luck,,, have a good clean game,,,,,,Twain,TBuk...

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
LET'S see here.... I haven't paid my dues this year and it is January 31st.
Does that make me a visitor again? When does the residency year start and end? I paid in the late summer, so when do I officially become non-resident?
(Walmart has a sale on primer right now, folks. Have you ever tried the Kilz that is water-based? I really like it!)

Creative Signs
"All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino

Posted by Nevman (Member # 332) on :
Steve - Ted may be right. Send back my taxes so I can be in his contest. I'll send back the cool fonts and stuff to be fair.

Just be sure that everyone does this so the site can crumble up and die.

Next Letterhead meet's at TBUK's. No admission and everyone gets a gift certificate. But no talking about signs.

C'mon - Ted, why the lingering resentment of those who choose to financially support the site?

It's mutiny I tell ya! Hang him from the yardarm!

Pat Neve, Jr.
Sign Man, Inc.
4580 N. US 1
Melbourne, FL 32935
Capt. Sign
Letterville Constituent
constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"


Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
I think Ted is feeling surges of the last earthquake.

Creative Signs
"All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino

Posted by jack wills (Member # 521) on :



Jack Wills
Studio Design Works
6255 Brookside Circle
Rocklin, CA 95677


Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
Good Morning TBUK. Hope your morning is going well. I would like to play your game. But I guess I am excluded. I am not rich (money wise) either. And I get the point you are trying to make.
It is easy to feel excluded if you let it get to you. There are those that make a big deal out of being residents. And those that make a big deal out of being visitors. Just do what you feel is right. Don't let it get to you. I just feel that you give to those things that are important. And yep, you are right, we (you) all give by posting our thoughts. I enjoy most everyones input. I also know how much time and effort things take. Sheesh....just to build a simple website is time consuming. For a sign magazine subscription, it is expensive, but you don't get all the entertainment you get here on the BB. I am not saying it is best to be a resident, or best to be a visitor. Just be yourself! And be Happy. You are a good person TBUK. Take care! (and keep those posts coming)

surf or MoJo on mirc
Cheryl J Nordby
Signs by Cheryl
(206) 300-0153
Seattle WA.....!
A day without sunshine is like, you know...night


Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
I agree with Cheryl.

Tbuk, you are making a good point of making all that join in on this site feel worthy.
And I admire that fact.

Creative Signs
"All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino

Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
NEV,,,,LOL, it seems you swam up to the pier, climb up the ladder, walk the full lenth, just to dive off the DIRT end..... ANYONE of this site is welcome to my house, for a bar B Q, where we will talk of many things,,,NOT JUST SIGNS.... I also support the supporters,,,,,this post is NOT about that... thanks for your input.tbuk

DEB,,,sorry gal,,, you are NOT qualified to play... (in this game) good luck at Steve's drawings... you are good till your pay date of july... check with Barb for more info...tbuk

Cheryl,,, ya must be a carpenter'' you hit the nail on the head,,, I think I'll crack me open a corona'' and continplate what you said, Twain,TBuk

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Awww... shucks,

just when I thought I might get some good primer (or some more paper towels..or...)
good luck to you visitors!!!!!

Creative Signs
"All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino

Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
I would like to see Steve and Barb turn this into a business and make big bucks off us and take exotic non-sign related vacations and feel proud of their business acumen. The deal of this being a non profit service that struggles like our business' stinks. There should be a 30 day trial for visitors. There should be a portion of the dues paid by the sign magazines. should be paying a good portion of the sponsorship here too, and sending their missionaries to our homes from the lists that Shortreed sells. Man, these folks should take us for a ride we'll never forget so we could learn how it's done in the real world.

The SignShop
Mendocino, California
"Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"

Oh, for the faith of a spider! He begins his web without any thread.


Posted by Joey Madden (Member # 1192) on :
As the only visitor to answer so far let me ask tbuk some questions.....

What do you think it cost [ moneywise ] to put up a site like this one?

Isn't Steves time worth anything?

Do you think everyone shops at walmart?

How much does an ounce of herb cost these days?

Why is it that californians use so much electricity?

How come the west coast always takes credit for something new?

and lastly...

How come you are spelling your words out correctly these days?

HotLines Joey Madden
Pinstriper and designer of the Inflite'
See it go to work
learning capabilities

Posted by Robert Beverly (Member # 1907) on :
As a recent , what I hope to be active participant on this page, I ran across this message and just have to throw my 2 cents in.

Up till my activity on this page, I have been extremely reluctant to share knowledge to others of what I do (and the years spent learning it), but having spent a little time on this site, I have come to realize that (as many of you) the VALUE of information and the many folks here that freely share that info without hesitation has humbled me greatly and just in the last few weeks, I have gained knowledge that spending lots on books would not have come close to satisfying...therefore I felt compelled as a business person to realize that without this page...would I have ever learned this shows (mucho bucks just to get in...much less the travel)....sign catalogs...?????

Yes....I am proud to be a resident...that tells everyone that does share that info freely without charge that I am in support of this format and hope to goodness that the info keeps pouring in. I can't paint worth a darn and one day hope to work with someone that does without being charged large fees for teaching me.

For those who remain visitors...your choice but can you say that this page has not been beneficial at all?.....and if much?..I can't beleive that it has been worth less than 55 bucks.

As for Steve, If you make a fortune off this page above and beyond it's operating cost, I say TA...your hard work and fresh format is what drew me here to begin with....I figure on saving at least 10K this year just because of a few tips I learned here...

What A Steal!!!!!!!


Robert Beverly
Dreamweaver Studios
Arlington, Texas


Posted by Nevman (Member # 332) on :

NEV,,,,LOL, it seems you swam up to the pier, climb up the ladder, walk the full lenth, just to dive off the DIRT end..... ANYONE of this site is welcome to my house, for a bar B Q, where we will talk of many things,,,NOT JUST SIGNS.... I also support the supporters,,,,,this post is NOT about that... thanks for your input.tbuk


...Ted - backatcha...

I'll take you up on that BBQ sometime if you agree to come have some gator tail if you ever land in FLA.

Different paths - same destination.

Pat Neve, Jr.
Sign Man, Inc.
4580 N. US 1
Melbourne, FL 32935
Capt. Sign
Letterville Constituent
constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"

[This message has been edited by Nevman (edited January 31, 2001).]

Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
What do you think it cost [ moneywise ] to put up a site like this one? jOE, THERE ARE MANY WAYS TO DO THIS SITE,,,,, STEVE HAS CHOOSEN ONE THAT PLEASE'S HIMSELF,,, I FEEL I DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DISCUSS WITH YOU IN OPEN FORUM THE CONVERSATIONS I HAVE HAD WITH STEVE REGUARDING THIS MATTER.... if you want to know how much it cost then call him...and ASK....TBUK


Do you think everyone shops at walmart?YES JOEY I DO......TBUK


Why is it that californians use so much electricity?BECAUSE WERE SELF CENTERED....tbuk

How come the west coast always takes credit for something new?WE SPLIT IT WITH THE OTHER CULTERUAL CENTER New York ALL THE REST IS OREGAN AND WHATEVER MONDAINE STATE MAKES UP THE OTHER 48 tbuk
and lastly...


Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Stephen Deveau (Member # 1305) on :
Sorry but I got to asks this question. Did you sleep on a Ant hill last night?
Really what bit your ass!
I was a visitor for a year and had people tell myself I shouldn't be talking so loud about this or that, but the true was I have learnt to respect others for their time out to answer my questions..
I like to input too.. right or wrong!
The more I grew with the people here I have come to the conclusion that everyone has help me with some time out of their business or family life just to answer my questions.

As far as the business of Steve & Barb (didn't they put their time into this site to make it work for others?) I think any payment is worth the effort.

Now for the prizes..I have the luck of a frenchman..None at all!!! So I can't enter your contest as I know I will not win! (Never have at anything)
But the luckiest thing I do have is good people and friends here....


Sit back and be glad your not getting the snow..

Airbrushed by Raven
Lower sackville N.S.

[This message has been edited by Stephen Deveau (edited January 31, 2001).]

Posted by Karen Tighe (Member # 1541) on :
"you can include some of the people some of the time, but you can't include all of the people all of the time" Meaning ME!
I can't participate in the monthly draws yet because I'm not a resident yet and even if I win Ted's I cant't use the voucher because we don't have K-mart or Walmart here. I can't even go to have a beer and BBQ with any of yis until someone in this house gets a job that pays ALL of the bills!
Isn't that one of the great things about this website - no matter what else I don't have, I have got access to information and advice regardless of my ability to pay.
So both sides are right on this one and remember folks some of us are embarassed at not being in a position to become residents yet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"If you find that you can keep your head whilst all others around you are loosing theirs, then you obviously don't understand the situation." (Hal Roche)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Karen Tighe,
Sligo in the Wild Wet West of Ireland.

mIRC = cafe_cruiser


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
STEPHEN, As with so many residents who have chosen to post negative to this post are OFF topic.. and have miss the mark TOTALY....come on people work with me here....drop all your CRAP of Steve this and steve that.... I am with you....I like Steve,, He has invited himself to sleep with me..... NOW if YOU think or HE thinks I am going to pay him for that..LOL,,,well thats just BULL...but I will keep ya informed if he is as good as he thinks he is....

This post is to say thank you to the people who HAVE chose to NOT be a RES... I don't give a damn what there reason.... that is NOT the point....the point is they are A PART OFF US...and I reconize you?
some don't post in FEAR of there statis,,,, of the GODS''of rightest, of people such as the ones who have leep on this post as NEG...
there is NO division here other then what the management has installed...I am not questioning that...Twain,TBuk.

NOW JOEY how about a NUMBER...

Ted Bukovscak

[This message has been edited by TBUK (edited January 31, 2001).]

Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
Geeeeeezzzzzz, Man!

St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)


Posted by Tony McDonald (Member # 1158) on :
A thirty dollar gift certificate? For another 20 bucks you could be a resident and win a great prize.

Many times I've spent 50 bucks on something and thought it was a waste of money but this wasn't one of them. Yes we could use the site anyway...which I did for a year or two and I don't feel bad about that. I just felt it was time to help keep this site going, and if I win a CD or book along the way then that's great. Perks are nothing new...some (not all) motels give donuts and coffee, etc...but I don't ask the non-giving motels where the donuts are.

To me it's mostly a learning experience, but meeting all the people here is also a perk...and that one is free. I've read a lot of stuff here that has answered a lot of questions and usually without me having to ask them. I've saved $50 many times over in mistakes I would have made if not for this site.

What I think is wrong is when a company offers perks to "new" subscribers and the longtime loyal customers don't get them.

Well....I'm going to lunch...I have a card from Mazzios that every 7th lunch is free.

When good things happen...that must be a sign!!
Tony McDonald
DBA-Ace Graphics & Printing
P.O. Box 91
Camdenton, MO. USA
(573) 346-6696


Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
I wasn't going to respond to this, but after reading back through it I changed my mind.

I'm not going to apologize for being a "loyal". Every damned one of us deserves to make a living by getting money to live on no matter what the source. If Steve/Barb can make it happen here......good for them. If he wants ot smoke and eat till his sign is "posted",....let him. It's HIS life, not yours, bud.

I read every post and respond with whatever meager knowledge I might have to anyone who can use it. I have YET to read one single postive post from you since you came back here. Your advice has yet to be ANYthing usable.

.......and no thanks to the bar-b-q......I'm sure everyone there will be eating bar-b-q'd crow.

St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
Tony, thanks for your thoughts, I know you post before I made an xplanation of this topic... Tony it is NOT about money...I care less if it was 2 cents....I am a VISITOR out of choses... And Steve knows that if I choose I shall RES. again....the KEY word is IF (I)....tbuk

Perrie,,, LOL thanks for rethinking, and making good your first mistake by posting to my post....and Crow is fine with me,,,but as a geo. lesson'' that would be Ravens in my area... but you may bring a Crow if`n ya like... will trow it on the BarBee,,, and with drawn butter your in for a real treat....tbuk

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
Maybe,...........Will it be basted with wine sauce??

St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
OPPPSsssssssss Sorry Karen,how selfish of me,,,, I forgot were INTERnational....If you like and anyoe else if you win I will cash the gift coupon and send you the CASH then you might have one less bill......or whatever you like... Karen if that is what was keeping you from the game..drop a number on this post ..... if it was something elese ... I understand,,,sometimes it is hard to stand on a point,,,, not much room to move one way or the other....ONE of my more comfertable positions in life....Twain,TBuk.

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
I know you guys are talking to each other, but I do have a lot of respect for Steve and Barb and the site is so good to all of us.

Creative Signs
"All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino

Posted by Dave Draper (Member # 102) on :
Hey Tbuk,

This is a great idea you have come up with.
I have asked before: "Why not give "visitors" a monthly drawing as well?
(I don't think anyone heard me... so I was e giving away some free downloads to residents and visitors alike.

The more traffic to a website, the better the advertising dollars from the big companies.

Sorry you are getting so much flack. You have two themes running in your opening thread. One about a contest, the other about who really is a supporter. The second theme is screwing up your good intentions.

Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA

Stop in and visit a while!
Raptorman or Draper_Dave on mIRC chat


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
Thanks Drape,,,your right,,, if you have time would you please address the exact phrase your in reference to,,, I have inserted a Hook or two,,, I will edit if deem nesscery,, I trust your (opinyon).... damn-it never did learned that word...perhaps I don't used it enough...
maybe we all will settle down and have a good game,,, THAT WAS my intent...Twain,TBuk.

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
If I'm correct, I believe visitors AND residents recieve gifts daily. Advice from this site. The initial true intent of this site.

Visitors AND residents are all special. However, residents need encouragement to help support this site and the draws seem to be effective. Otherwise, why pay when it's not mandatory?

I admire your intention Ted. However, I'm wondering why you take it upon yourself to have these 'draws' with money you've put out yourself. I agree, for only $20 more, you'd be a resident that would qualify for monthly big time awesome draws. In return, due to no 'extra' perks for being a visitor, others may be enticed to participate in the resident game to also have the opportunity to recieve these cool prizes as well as helping to support one heckuva site.

If the Shortreeds were millionaires, I'd still donate my $50. Simply because the value is there.

Graphic Impact
Abbotsford, BC, Canada


Posted by Terry Teague (Member # 796) on :

Let me be the first to play the game instead of spouting my opinion.


I like you TBUK. Enough said.

Terry Teague
James River Signs
Reeds Spring, MO


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
Donna, nice statements, and true as always, ....and maybe there is no prejudice in the world and maybe there is no boundaries or borders, and maybe the visitors of this site are NOT interested in participating, and maybe they are not in fear of the Killer whale mentality that often prevails on this site.....

But let us forget about all that for a bit,,, as a side bar' please allow me to relate something that took place the other day...

It was mid afternoon, I was enjoying a bier on top of my shop,, when the dogs started to bark. I know by there tone that I had visitors....I walk to the gate where stood a little girl quite nervous, and her Mom,,, apprehensive of my appearance......The young girl was a Girl Scout selling cookies.... I remember my daughter,,, and I could feel my eyes swell with tears....

I ask the Scout, to please give me her little speech, and beckon her Mom to step back and allow the girl the spot light..of which she did,,, and the Girl and I spoke,,, and we laugh,,. I ask her what kind of cookies she had,,,, she stumbled over some of the terms,, but we all had a good visit, and when It was said and done I purchase eight boxes @ 3.00 each...... WHY... cause I believe in the Child effort and sincerity,,, it is a good cause,,, and cause I can....

Many have Basted me today,,, for some how they see me as a NON''',,, what I do for this site, is not visible to them,,,I have no badge, by way of MY choose...

I choose to remain silent.... on how I support this site financially,,,, But in MY own defense, let me say that my fone bill each month is at least 60.00 more then it should be...for I take it upon myself to call people of this site if they are having problems,, or just need someone to bitch at....
and I,,,,, well never mind,,,

You see Donna I may not give a quarter,,, but I give most of my heart...for I have no one else....

You ask me WHY,,, Donna because I believe,, and I live by myself, I have NO one to answer to how I spend my money,,, Sep the dogs I guess"""

It is for me, a good place this Visitor thing,,, for I might represent the Meek, the hidden, the ones frighten by you'all.
I don't care about the Tags""" I do CARE that I might be understood, and although outspoken, allowed to speak...

I do care if I am liked by the mass,,,, but I will not follow to achieve that goal...

I don't care about the perks,,, that is NOT to say they are not bitchen,,, IT is just that they have no value to me,,, I am not speaking monetarily,,,

If I were to win I would refuse the item,,, and instruct Steve to recycle it to the next drawing.....for I am not a part of this site to take,,,but rather give,,,, of myself.....and from the response of the most I reckon that worth is not appreciated,,,,,so be it''

Donna, I cherish your statement of admiration,, for I feel you are a truthful person... Thank you for your post....NOW on with the game...Twain,TBuk.

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Kathy Joiner (Member # 1814) on :
U B a good man TBUK! I have learned from visitors as well as residents. And we are ALL a family here. I don't know Steve and Barb personally, but I have not heard visitors discouraged here. All are made to feel welcome and you are certainly doing your part. I chose to send in the taxes because I chose to.

Come on visitors let's see who has the lucky numbers.

Kathy Joiner
River Road Graphics
41628 River Road
Ponchatoula, La.70454
PH. (504)386-3313

Old enough to know better...Too young to resist.


Posted by Steve Barba (Member # 431) on :

Steve Barba is the proud owner, president, & sole employee of Sturgis Sign Works.
209 Oak Drive
Sturgis SD 57785


Posted by Del Badry (Member # 114) on :

Del "aka" badge
Holden, Alberta

Posted by Gavin Chachere (Member # 1443) on :

Gavin Chachere
aka Zeeman
Miller Supply Co./Ozone Signs & Grafix
New Orleans La.


Posted by Mike Estep (Member # 318) on :
what the hell, 9967

Marc & Mike Estep
SignCrafters of London
202 E. 4th St
London Ky


Posted by Larry Elliott (Member # 263) on :
To all,
I'm a regular visitor here and have spent many hours in the past replying to others posts for help, hopefully some of my efforts were useful to those in need. I have also asked for help a couple times but have yet to have received information on my problems,,, either they were too technical or too bland for anyone to bother, I don't know, maybe it was because I am not a monetary supporter of this site but only support it with valuable time I could be using on my own projects. It costs me (and a lot of others) in time every week a couple hundred dollars to try and help a few people out here so I feel I have paid more than my 'dues' to be a part of this site. I try to stay away from the controversial BS here that keeps the S--T stirred because thats not what this site is about to me, I come here to try and help the new comers to the business from making the same mistakes I did in the beginning. I have been reprimanded because I posted the name and number of a supplier that someone was in need of and was accused of promoting a non-merchant.
I agree with TBUK, it is more than sending in fifty bucks and getting that 'visitor' tag removed from your posting status, its helping others with shared knowledge that Letterheads is about.



Elliott Design
McLemoresville, Tn.

If you can't find the time to do it right,
where gonna find the time to do it over?


Posted by Barry Branscum (Member # 445) on :

Master's Touch Signs & Screenprinting
Clinton AR
ICQ 17430008
"Imagine the Possibilities..."


Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :
Larry! Ask me a questiuon! I'll tell you everything I know! Actually, I don't remember what you're speaking of, but I'll make a point to answer you when I see your posts. I've been in the biz for 39 years now. Sorry you were ignored.

St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)


Posted by Henry Barker (Member # 174) on :

I am sorry you feel you have been ignored!
I certainly don't make a thing of answering "resident" only posts. I log on most days, and if I see something I can help with or vice versa then thats great. I asked a "simple" question about a virus problem I had a couple of days ago and Mike at Translab came up trumps, I could have spent an hour trying to get thru on a support line for the same help or not, point is an hour of my time is over $50 so I reckon the help this site gives me, and the fun i have in corresponding with signmakers all over the world make it worth that to me, but that's just me. I didn't ask for a "resident" tag but its there. I understand what TBUK is trying to do and good luck to him, but I don't feel there is a them and us regards tag status. Sometimes I feel it in other ways, I have posted interesting sign topics here and got very little response, and then seen more controversial posts get megahits, but not getting a response on the board doesn't mean that people don't read your posts. I think that there are plenty who read but are a little shy to post. maybe some are shy to express an opinion for fear of being shouted down. So if Ican ever help feel free to ask, this is International, and not all things are relavant over borders!

Henry Barker #1924
SignCraft AB
Stockholm, Sweden.
A little bit of England in a corner of Stockholm


Posted by Steve King (Member # 771) on :
I have read most of this post and then I just skipped right to the bottom.... it seems to be the same thing rehashed by another person with the same point to make. Great arguments from both sides of the fence though.

TBUK, My answer is 1968. & if I ever get to California again I'll take you up on that open offer of a BBQ.

Have a great day,

Steve King
Taylor Signs Ltd.
Calgary, Alberta
Hey, we just turned 100 Years old!


Posted by Ken Morse (Member # 1799) on :
Proof that the "Wild West" is named after the people in California.

Ken Morse
Jamn Graphics
Santa Cruz, CA

Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
Terry....Thank you for being the first to get your feet wet, and help in parting the waters,,, or a better term... would be Closing the Gap...
I wish you good luck,,,,,, have an easy day....tbuk

RESIDENTS, I am hoping to see some new names pop up on the board or,, maybe better yet bring back some who have faded or felt not worthy because of this status thing...... We all work very hard at this trade,,, and we ALL are a part of this site..... Like a parade we all follow the same route, but there are the floats, the movie stars,,, the bands, all playing a different tune,,,, and of course the beloved Clowns....all hoping to meet up on success street,,, for a rausing good time

If you have some visitors"" that you know of'''' or have some on your post,, PLEASE ask them to stop by for a bit and drop a number,,,,this game is not about you and I it IS about unity...Twain,TBuk.

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by LazyEdna (Member # 266) on :
wow Tbuk... the better you spell, the more people misunderstand you.. now THAT'S poetry!
You are amazing.
I've been a visitor, and I've been a resident... I don't feel any different either way.. I just like to support Steve and Barb when I can.
The one fact that keeps re0ccurring on this post is:
The is the BEST DAMN Website for signies on the internet!

in RL known as Sara Straw
from southern Utah
5 National Parks within 3 hours drive
Red Rock Heaven


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
Steve, Del, Gavin, mike, I got yur Number....tbuk

Cathy thanks for the support,Twain,TBuk

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by David Wright (Member # 111) on :
LE is right. I have been to other sign sites and there is no comparison. The professionalism of all here is unmatched. I get the feeling there are a bunch of snotty teenagers at other sites.
As far as the visitor and resident thing, I haven't seen what some others have. I rarely even look at that tag on people's posts.
Boy I wish $50 a year could buy me some status, but the quality of many here,visitor and resident alike, keeps me humble.

Wright Signs
Wyandotte, Michigan
Since 1978


Posted by Dave Ginley (Member # 1723) on :
Hey TBUK..used to hang out in that coast stuck on this one..

My luck has been so bad lately maybe I can improve number is 5047...


Ace of Signs
Selinsgrove, Pa.

Posted by FranCisco Vargas (Member # 145) on :

FranCisco Vargas
aka: Cisco
aka:Traveling Millennium Sign Artist
Fresno, CA 93703
559 252-0935

"to live life, is to love life, a sign of no life, is a sign of no love"...Cisco 12'98


Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :

Tbuk, you can greet your VISITORS, Steve and Barb to your RESIDENCE and sit down for some good grub and comradery!
hope you guys get there okay!

Creative Signs
"All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino

Posted by captain ken (Member # 742) on :
this is kinda like the lottery

"A wise man once said that, or was it a wise guy?"

Ken McTague
The Witch city
Salem, MA


Posted by Laura Butler (Member # 1830) on :
I am waiting for my BIG check to come in (I'm also waiting for ship to come in too)and then I will become a resident....but until then, I'll play.


Laura Butler
Vision Graphics and Sign
560 Oak St.
Lapeer, Mi 48446

"Anything thats comes from my shop, comes from the right brain."


Posted by Mikes Mischeif (Member # 1744) on :
2961 - I want 20 bucks worth of squirrel nut zippers & 10 bucks worth of toothpicks!

Mike Duncan
Lettercraft Signs
Alexandria VA

I have never let schooling interfere with my education - Mark Twain

[This message has been edited by Mikes Mischeif (edited February 02, 2001).]

Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
Lazy,,, yea, ain't that something....the more learned ya get the less yur understood''' ------------------
Ted Bukovscak

[This message has been edited by TBUK (edited February 02, 2001).]

Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :

Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville LA.


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
David thanks for your input,,,tbuk

Ace, and my good sign buddy Francisco,,, got yur number good luck...Twain,TBuk.

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Kookaburra (Member # 254) on :
Well, If I win, I can't use it anyway, so 1234.... Sounds lucky enough, huh?

From Katie Wright, 16 year old professional signie wannabe from Aus.

"Life is a great big canvas, throw all the paint on it that you can"


Posted by mike meyer (Member # 542) on :
5279 I'm in.....I wanna party with this TBUK dude........

Mike Meyer SignPainter
575 1st Street Box 3
Mazeppa, Mn 55956
(507) 843-5951 check out this great web


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
Laura,,,,Duncan,,, your on,,,,,I got yur number,,,,,,good luck... keeping the site supported with your on going postting,,,, REZ or VIZ,,,,keep on keep`n, on...Twain,TBuk.

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
I send "free samples" to anyone here,VISITORS or RESIDENTS.

Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
Waikoloa, Hawaii


Posted by John Deaton (Member # 925) on :
Tbuk is cool. 1225 is my number.

John Deaton III
Deaton Signs&Grafix
109 N. Cumberland Ave.,Harlan, Ky. 40831 606-573-9101


Posted by Tobias (Member # 1268) on :
Interesting input everybody!

Here is my #



Toby Terry
Xtreme GraphiX
9011 E. 94Th Street
Tulsa, OK 74133

"If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all."
- Michelangelo


Posted by TBUK (Member # 443) on :
Aaaaaaaa RATz this is a hard post,,,,,,SORRY Mike M, this """Thank you"" GAME is for Visitors ONLY,,, You Do not quallfly,,,,LOL LOL..

PLEASE do not get wrong,, this is not to encorage people to BE or NOT TO BE

It is a Thank you for the ones who post here NO mater what the TAG,,,and have NO kudules from the management,,,other then HI there watch us have a party for the REZ,,,

BUT Mike you have a life time Party Pass to my house,,,the ONLY requirment there is that you bring with you that Damn toy tracror that Mark F, is so found of.....Twain,TBuk

Ted Bukovscak


Posted by Debbie Delzell on :
I enjoy this site and first visited the bullboard December 30, 2000. I was looking for information on walldogs meets. And I found more then I was looking for and got hooked. You have convinced me that I need to pay the Taxes even if I do not do signs for a living. The information here is interesting and will help with my art work.

Knowledge always desires increase: it is like fire, which must first be kindled by some external agent, but which will afterwards propagate itself.
Johnson, Letter to William Drummond 1766

Posted by Pierre St.Marie (Member # 1462) on :

I'm only doing this for Ashley on "the Young and the Breastless"

St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)


Posted by Karen Tighe (Member # 1541) on :
okay ---
hope I'm not too late.

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"If you find that you can keep your head whilst all others around you are loosing theirs, then you obviously don't understand the situation." (Hal Roche)
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Karen Tighe,
Sligo in the Wild Wet West of Ireland.

mIRC = cafe_cruiser


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