We have just upgraded to Flexi Sign Pro and I am having a few problems with a couple of things.
1. When I import my Inspire work files into Flexi all of my text is converted to curves. Is this normal? Is there a way around it so I can actually edit my text?
2. Is there a way to remove the "document page"? That's what I am calling the blank page thing that comes up on each new document. I am finding it a pain in the keester to work with.
I'm sure I'll still have more problems with the new software, but that's it for now.
Thanks in advance,
Steve King
Taylor Signs Ltd.
Calgary, Alberta
Hey, we just turned 100 Years old!
We have been pressuring Scanvec to include the SCI format for import into Flexi. Presusmably, this should not be a major effort, as they already 'own' both formats.
They appear to be receptive, but a bit more pressure from the user community would certainly help. You know what they say about the squeaky wheel...
Also, there is no way to turn off the page display in Flexi, as could be done in Inspire. That is also a good suggestion...we'll pass it along to the powers that be.
Castek Resources Interactive