Do you add anything to your screws when installing a substrate to a metal (corragated tin) building? Is water or moisture a concern?
Brian Keence
K&B Signs
2220 Lake Tekawitha Rd
Pacific, MO. 63069
(636) 257-3679
It's clear as mud now!
Wayne Webb
Webb Sign Studio
creators of "woodesigns"
"autograph your work with excellence"
I have never found water leakage a problem with screw holes in sheet metal. The same goes for pop rivits, despite the fact that rivits have a hole through them, unless you buy the kind that are enclosed on the blind end. They are considered 'waterproof.'
Certainly though, using silicone could be a good selling point. You can also dip the open end of a regular pop rivit in silicone to seal it aginst water.
Brad Ferguson
427 S. Sycamore
Ottawa, KS 66067
Brian Keence
K&B Signs
2220 Lake Tekawitha Rd
Pacific, MO. 63069
(636) 257-3679
It's clear as mud now!
Mike O'Neill
Trans-Labrador Signs
Labrador City, Labrador
'Durn vinyl won't stick to ice'
"The best things in life aren't things"
Art Buchwald