A potential customer called me to see if they could get 50 (political-type)foldover signs by next Friday at latest. Being in Ohio is another factor, but they could probably be shipped red label if out of state. I am working on quotes now and availability, but don't have a lot of time to shop around. Is there a shop that normally turns over a product in a small amount of time in our letterville? my email is dfo7503884@aol.com if anyone has time to relay the info. Now, sometimes I will spend too much time quoting work and never getting the job, so please don't go to any trouble on this, thanks.
------------------ Deb Creative Signs "All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino
Posted by Dave Ginley (Member # 1723) on :
Hi Deb...check your e-mail..
------------------ Ace of Signs Selinsgrove, Pa. www.aceofsigns.com
Posted by Deb Fowler (Member # 1039) on :
Thanks, Ace!
------------------ Deb Creative Signs "All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino