I was just lookin at Ken Morse' pics of some of the very cool signs of Carmel here. That photopoint site for posting pics is likely to mean alot more of us will be posting pics to share.
Now for my idea....
How bout setting up a separate page, similar to the portfolio section of this BB, titled something like "Signs of...." as in Signs of Carmel, Signs of Seattle, etc? It could grow into something like the "Signs of" articles in the sign mags.
In the meantime, I need to look into this photopoint thing and get some pics up from my "Signs of Sanibel Island" collection I have from New Year's weekend visit with Jay Suhm and Cheryl Lucas. Lot of carving and blasting goin on there!
------------------ Don Coplen aka "SaintPete" Coplen Designs St.Petersburg, FL dcoplen@mindspring.com
Posted by Mike Languein (Member # 319) on :
Would there be a spray can section for Signs of El Monte, and Signs of My Brother-In-Law, Signs That I Designed And Somebody Else Got The Bid, etc.? Sounds like fun...
------------------ "If it isn't fun, why do it?" Signmike@aol.com Mike Languein Doctor of Letters BS, MS, PhD ___________________
You know what BS is, MS is More of the Same, and it's Piled Higher and Deeper here
Posted by cheryl nordby (Member # 1100) on :
LOL Well Mike....that was another snorting laugh out of me from what you said. You are pretty gosh dern funny........
Steve, this is a great idea and to take it one step further these photos could be published in a book. The proceeds would help support the Letterheads. At every local meet contributors to the book could show up to either discuss new additions or help field questions of their photos. I am all for it, count me in!
------------------ Ken Morse Jamn Graphics Santa Cruz, CA
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Steve, how much trouble is it to set up another area separate from the portfolio page?
This is an idea that is still in it's seed stages (sure is neat to see the interest). I was envisioning a space where we could show great signwork that we see around our area and on vacations, etc. Besides the obvious benefit of seeing more good signwork, it could also have a side effect of gettin more talented people interested in the site.
I was also wondering if we can link to an entire folder of pics, or only one pic at a time?
I like Ken's idea. Funding to get the printing off the ground could be an interesting challenge though. Four color ain't cheap. But, I suppose if we got one of the sign mags interested in publishing/marketing..who knows.
Any more ideas out there, folks?
------------------ Don Coplen aka "SaintPete" Coplen Designs St.Petersburg, FL dcoplen@mindspring.com
Posted by Sarah Clark (Member # 413) on :
You can link to separate photos or to an album on photopoint, zing and many many other photos sites. I use several different ones myself. This is from the sign police on photopoint
[This message has been edited by Sarah (edited January 21, 2001).]
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
Did I hear someone say DUCK? I know that it has tried to be explained how to post photos on the portfolio section with ubb codes and what have you. BUT....... NOT everyone has a web site of thier own,or for that matter,even knows how to get it to this so called Photopoint thing. I have found that when explanations are given they are given with the idea that the person reading them ACTUALLY understands the terms used! I belive this is what stops a lot of us computer challeged people from getting more involved,although I am sure most of us would like to! For instance:Until someone took the time to tell me to take that little arrow head that moves around when you move the mouse.Move it up to that long white box located on top of window that has search or go written next to it,click the left botton on the mouse that will create a blinking line.Was I able to type in www.letterhead.com then click the GO button.In order to get to letterville! Belive me reading:"take your cursor and go to the browser"can be a foreign language when there is no other guideance given with it.Almost gives you the feeling you are being "Snubbed" for not knowing.This seems to be a form of discrmintion almost to the point of sexism and racism. I think Dons Idea is a good one IF some for thought was given into it.
------------------ PKing is Pat King of King Sign Design in McCalla,Alabama The Professor of SIGNOLOGY
[This message has been edited by PKing (edited January 21, 2001).]
Posted by Don Coplen (Member # 127) on :
Excellent point, Mr.King.
Can somebody who knows how this photopoint thing works please give us an all english step by step?
------------------ Don Coplen aka "SaintPete" Coplen Designs St.Petersburg, FL dcoplen@mindspring.com
Posted by Ken Morse (Member # 1799) on :
Don, a week ago I knew nothing about Photopoint until Sarah responded to my Letterhead post regarding help getting photos posted. I went to www.photopoint.com and became a user. The software to move your digital photos or scanned images from you pc to their host site is a free download after you register, that is also free. I read a post from a Letterhead regarding spam, I have received nothing of that nature….yet! Anyway it took me about 3 attempts to blast through the learning curve, but it works and the proof is in the responses to the photos. One should remember that the time spent uploading photos to the Photopoint host can take time depending on the time of day. You will get e-mail notifying you of your photos availability on Photopoints web site, you then load them to your album software that is included free with the registration. Nothing involved is easy but the thrill of sharing with all is worth the learning curve. Good luck, Ken.
------------------ Ken Morse Jamn Graphics Santa Cruz, CA
Posted by Sarah Clark (Member # 413) on :
Right Ken and I am very net savvy but I have to spend some time trying to figure out how each of these places work. If you go there read the stuff and try till it works and you got it. Basically you sign up and it will assign you the space. Good idea to read their help files too. One good thing with photopoint is that if you know how to use ftp and have a program like cuteftp you can use it to upload photos and its much faster than using their setup. (FTP programs connect you to other servers to upload or download) I would also recommend that you put your name and copyright notice on anything you dont want stolen not that its inevitable that it will be. Just a good idea. once you have photos on photopoint each one will give you a url to copy to post it somewhere else. all you do here is copy it and put the "[img]" thingies around it.
Another good idea is to read your browser help files. And remember when you move your mouse around if it changes to a hand its a link, if its a I type thing you type stuff in. If someone mentions something and you want to find, try a search engine like google.com (you would type in www.google.com) in the address bar and search for it.
I have never gotton spam from photopoint or zing. They make money by selling real photoprints of pictures posted to people if they want them. I believe anyone can print ones of yours too unless it is password protected.
Some info for you who have signed up and know about it or for you when you do. The limit of a photo you can upload is 2500 by 2500 pixels. It will make the tiny thumbnail that shows in the main album list and the mid size one that shows when you click on the thumbnail (like the one I posted here)but if you have loaded a large pic when you click on the mid size one you will see the high res. (the fullsize of the one i posted here is larger than the one above) The mid size is the one that sends with a link and is sized down by them so in other words if you want you can put up a pretty large picture.
[This message has been edited by Sarah (edited January 22, 2001).]