What do you think IT is ? I think it has something to do with the sign business. I'm baini' out ! Argggghh.....
"hooked on fonix"
Olympia WA
Brad Farha, owner
Farha Signs
Beckley, WV
Pat Neve, Jr.
Sign Man, Inc.
4580 N. US 1
Melbourne, FL 32935
Capt. Sign
Letterville Constituent
constituent: "One of the individual entities contributing to a whole"
PKing is
Pat King of
King Sign Design in
The Professor of
In acronym land, IT usually means "Information Technology." These days that typically means all things Internet related.
Hopefully, whatever "IT" is, it won't be bigger than the Net. My Dot-Com stocks have taken enough of a beating.
Jim Doggett
Vice President
Summa, Inc.
Seattle, WA USA
Here is my guess; “Continual Anticiparallelism” or “Continual Computation.” Depends which one you listen to, Bob Metcalfe or Eric Horvitz. Another long shot would be something regarding Nanotech, but Metcalfe isn’t very active in that field. Big news in that arena would come from Eric Drexler and the Foresight Institute.
Very informative information, but real “snoozer” material if your not into “IT.”
So, who’s going to remind us in a year what “IT” turns out to be?
For what it's worth
Bob Gilliland
The InKnowVative Group
Harrisburg, PA
"A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous, and then dismissed as trivial,
until it finally becomes what everybody knows"
William James