Does anyone out there do graphics on gym floors often, more than two a year. If so how do you charge for lettering and or graphics(no lines)? I may have a couple to do this summer and would like to get an idea on how to price, sq. foot, time, or what. Thanks in advance.
See ya
Marc & Mike
------------------ Marc & Mike Estep SignCrafters of London 202 E. 4th St London Ky 606-862-0003
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
Mike, I did 11 floors in less than 2 years. I guess that qualifies me. Give me a call and I'll give you any info I can.
------------------ Dave Sherby "Sandman" SherWood Sign & Graphic Design Crystal Falls, MI 49920 906-875-6201 ICQ: 21604027
Posted by Curt Stenz (Member # 82) on :
Don't have a comment on pricing, but I strongly urge you to buy the best pair of padded (on the outside too) knee pads you can find. I think I got mine from some seed catalog. Get the kind that have two adjustment straps per knee pad as they keep the knee pads in place better. Curt Stenz