I want to make it to the Panel Jam in West Munroe this weekend. Anyone else going? Guess being on Vacation from my brushes,gets me kinda anxious. Hope I don't spill any paint on my Overalls while I am in Lousyanna.
------------------ PKing is Pat King of King Sign Design in McCalla,Alabama The Professor of SIGNOLOGY
Posted by Gregg Harbison (Member # 1226) on :
Yeah, Pat! I'm headed out this evening after work. I went over tho Joey's shop around Thanksgiving to find out where he was located and it's a real nice, fairly new facility with a spray paint room that's first class! According to what I'm reading on the other BB's and from what Joey's told me, there's going to be quite a turn out at this panel jam! Weather looks like it's going to cooperate, too!
------------------ Gregg Harbison Signs 'n Stripes 615 West St. McComb, MS 39648
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
OK Gregg!! Doesn't RT(artee) live in Hattisburg? Hope he will be airbrushing in West Monroe. Little Sleet in Alabama this morning.Thought I would get on the road mid afternoon Friday. See ya'll there
------------------ PKing is Pat King of King Sign Design in McCalla,Alabama The Professor of SIGNOLOGY
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Do Artie Nevill and Al Grand still live there?
------------------ The SignShop Mendocino, California "Where the Redwoods meet the Surf"
Oh, for the faith of a spider! He begins his web without any thread.
Posted by Gregg Harbison (Member # 1226) on :
Haven't heard from RT lately, but, yes, he does live in Hattiesburg. You never know, he might show up at Joey's. I sure hope so! I'll be looking forward to meeting you Friday. Oh, yeah! And the six pack of Abita Turbo Dog that I didn't get to bring to Commerce will be coming with me to West Monroe! After you taste it, you'll agree...this is the world's worst tasting beer! Heh, heh!
------------------ Gregg Harbison Signs 'n Stripes 615 West St. McComb, MS 39648
Hey, Santo! We'll have to let foks try what I bring and see if they agree or disagree. If they don't like it, you're welcome to what's left of the six pack! By the way, do you have any kinfolk in Amite?
------------------ Gregg Harbison Signs 'n Stripes 615 West St. McComb, MS 39648
Posted by Gregg Harbison (Member # 1226) on :
Hey, Adrienne! Doggone it, I wish you could join us, too! Here's what's on the agenda so far: *Blues music by the one and only Leon Samples *Cajun cookin' *Panel Jammin' *Door Prizes *Good Fellowship Holy Moley! That's just what's on the flyer! You can imagine all the stuff that's been planned and added since the flyer was printed! And, hey! I'm going to get to meet some more of the folks I've been writing to and reading about on the Bullboard! What's more, the weather looks like it'll be in the high 50's Friday and Saturday. Aiieeeeeee!
------------------ Gregg Harbison Signs 'n Stripes 615 West St. McComb, MS 39648
Posted by Karen Tighe (Member # 1541) on :
On behalf of those of us who haven't an ice cube's chance of getting to one of these things -please bring back plenty of pics and Head TV would really be so great if it is at all a possibility.
Karen Tighe, Strandhill, Sligo in the Wild Wet West of Ireland.
mIRC = cafe_cruiser
Posted by Santo (Member # 411) on :
Might be some of those ice cream makers over there north of the lake. I'm trying to make it Saturday, but getting some guff on the homefront. If I get there I'll only be able to twist the tail of a couple of those turbo dogs.
[This message has been edited by Santo (edited January 11, 2001).]
Posted by PKing (Member # 337) on :
I should arrive Friday am for the much looked forward to festivities. See Ya'll there
------------------ PKing is Pat King of King Sign Design in McCalla,Alabama The Professor of SIGNOLOGY
Posted by Adrienne Pereira (Member # 1046) on :
I wish I was goin too Gregg....I wasn't able to get the info on this one,,,,tho I DID ask RT.........too bad I couldn't get a last minute ticket out that way and get a ride in....hmmmmmmmm Have fun, eat lots of mudbugs for me ok? A
------------------ Adrienne Morgan Splash Signs www.splashsigns.com "Rainkatt'
Headed that way sometime after lunch Friday!! See ya'll there!! Sorry, but I can't bring the airbrush set-up this time. Just haven't had enough time to get everything together. Since I've been trying to get my new shop open things have been real hectic. I promise to have it all at Fred's in the Spring though. Adrienne, I thought you WERE coming. I gave you all the info I had. Anyway, too bad you're gonna miss it. Hopefully we'll have lotsa photos and memories from this one. Looks like a lot really talented folks are headed Joey's way. Can't wait to eat some of that good ol' cajun cookin'!! AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!
------------------ R.T.Thomas,AirDesigns/Sign And Airbrush Studio rtart@earthlink.net 1209B Corinne St. Hattiesburg,MS 39401 Shop 601-584-1000 Home 601-543-0271 Proud supporter of LETTERVILLE! The best site on the net!! "I yam what I yam and dat's all dat I yam"
Posted by Adrienne Pereira (Member # 1046) on :
Rt...you never (sniffle sniffle) sent me any info.....(sniffle sniffle) that's ok.......I'll just sit home and think about Y'all out there having fun without me.....tellin' jokes, drinkin' beer, eatin' mudbugs, dancin' to da Blues...sigh......!! Make sure to take lots of pictures!!!And eat some Gumbo for me. A
------------------ Adrienne Morgan Splash Signs www.splashsigns.com "Rainkatt'