The computer geek's dream recliner..
Mike Pipes
-----trapped in a box with a computer and a slice of cheese-----
Up in a tree that is.
Wayne Webb
Webb Sign Studio
creators of "woodesigns"
"autograph your work with excellence"
How much time do some of us hang out or stand on them??? I don't the hard wood once in a while but wouldn't it be great to have a little support here and there? How about attachable elements? Oh, don't get me wrong here, I like to keep things simple and don't mind roughin it, but there must be times that regular users could benefit from something a bit more comfy or user friendly!
cupholders? magnetic seat pads? foot grip covering? more steps to climb on?
Creative Signs
"All the gold in the world cannot buy a dying man one more breath. So what does that make today worth?" Og Mandino