Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Bruce Evans
NOTE; The methods described here may not produce the desired results and represents only two possible ways of addressing this issue. Perform a test prior to production.
I will go with the premise that you are printing on White vinyl.
Method one: Using only two spot colors.
1> Produce rectangle and have it selected, Image Fill (1) with Fill Type: Linear; Linear Angle: 0; Fill Color: Ruby Red; Tint: 100% on left and 3% on right.
2> Still having rectangle selected, Copy (Ctrl + C) then Paste Back (Alt + E, then B) [Hey Gerber-We need a hot key for this!!] Image fill (1) with Fill Type: Linear; Linear Angle: 0; Fill Color: Cobalt Blue; Tint: 3% on left and 100% on right. Press Enter to accept changes.
3> Still having Blue rectangle selected; Over Print (Ctrl + F6); Cut off (8); Move to Front (Shift + Page Up)
This may result in a darker and/or muddy output then desired. It may also leave some of your base vinyl color to show thru (White?). You can adjust the % of the Ruby rectangle to a higher value than 3 on the right side of Tint selection in Image Fill to help compensate for this.
Method two: Using three spot colors.
Same as method one but apply a primer to the Cobalt Rectangle and use a solid Ruby fill.
1> Produce rectangle and have it selected, Image Fill (1) with Fill Type: Solid; Fill Color: Ruby Red.
2> Still having rectangle selected, Copy (Ctrl + C) then Paste Back (Alt + E, then B); Image fill (1) with Fill Type: Linear; Linear Angle: 0; Fill Color: Cobalt Blue; Tint: 3% on left and 100% on right. Press Enter to accept changes.
3> Still having Blue rectangle selected; Apply Primer (Q); Over Print (Ctrl + F6); Cut off (8); Move to Front (Shift + Page Up)
This method may result in some of the White primer not being completely covered by the Cobalt Blue, which may or may not be detrimental for final output.
If you can’t decipher the hieroglyphics above, call me when you can be at the machine and we can review it together.
For what it's worth
Bob Gilliland
The InKnowVative Group
Harrisburg, PA
"A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous, and then dismissed as trivial,
until it finally becomes what everybody knows"
William James
Louis A. Lazarus
Milt's Sign Service, Inc.
20 So. Linden Ave. #5B