Christian S.
Budget Signs & Graphics
Bradenton, Florida
IMHO, preventing sign makers from sharing successes with products just because the product manufacturer doesn't financially support the forum in which the sign maker is speaking is tantamount to censorship and I don't like it.
Naturally I understand the logic behind a decision like that but I think it's bad news anyway. After all, we're allowed to slam them if we don't like them, right? Just not plug them unless they pony up.
I feel like I have the "right" to say this because I AM a paid merchant, AND a paid resident ( I make signs too ), and I'm tired of seeing this censorship happen.
'Nuff said.
Mark Smith
Ampersand Signs & Design
EstiMate Sign Estimating Software
Hailing from beautiful Asheville, N.C.
St.Marie Graphics
& Makin' Tracks Sound Studio
Kalispell, Montana
stmariegraphics@centurytel.net http://www.stmariegraphics.com
800 735-8026
We're chiseling every day of the week! :^)
Master's Touch Signs & Screenprinting
Clinton AR
ICQ 17430008
"Imagine the Possibilities..."
Christian S.
Budget Signs & Graphics
Bradenton, Florida
Drop me an email if you dont get the OK to post it. =)
Mike Pipes
-----trapped in a box with a computer and a slice of cheese-----
Brad Farha, owner
Farha Signs
Beckley, WV
Christian S.
Budget Signs & Graphics
Bradenton, Florida
We never delete posts that may or may not be baltant advertising. They are moved to the Supplier's Soapbox. There has been a couple instances where that hasn't worked and I can't explain it. There is no conspiracy.
If you search the BB database of past posts, you will find all sorts of reference to products that do not advertise here. Yes, it does drive me up the wall to see the same old suppliers get free promotion here while good Merchants pay. It's especially irritating to see direct links to their expensive websites. Despite this, our policy is to let them go or move them to the Supplier's Soapbox.
I too am concerned about censureship. Looking through all of last months sign mags, I can only find info about Letterville in SignCraft. Why is any mention of Letterville censured from the rest? It sucks that these valuable sign resources demand to be paid to promote Letterville! It's just not fair I tell you!
Look gang. As long as you do not have any financial or other vested interest to the supplier you want to mention, you are breaking no rules here. If you are not sure, just e-mail Barb and I.
Why arn't you calling these suppliers with the great products and telling them about the benefits of advertising here. It's only $365 a year! We'll convince them to give Letterville Residents a special discount and we'll all win. Have them mention your name when they call and we'll send you $50 to have a dinner on us!
I'm sick of apoligizing for the success of this website. Letterville is the #1 sign website in the World, yet some of you seem to feel it should all be free. Is there something wrong with making a profit?
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338
I've kinda felt the same way - having to tip-toe mentioning a company's name. I did it a couple years ago (I had no vested interest at anytime) and I got slammed by you. Perhaps things have changed since you added the "Supplier's Soapbox". Its still just hard to fight that "cringe" feeling I get when I do mention a "non-advertiser's" name. "Once bitten, twice shy" so to speak.
Anyhow, that's about it. And please don't take anything I've said personally. I'm just expressing how I've felt.
Warning: A well designed sign may cause fatigue due to increased business.
[This message has been edited by Glenn Taylor (edited December 15, 2000).]
If Letterville is to grow and blossom into all we dream it can be, it's going to take money. We need income to look after our family and invest in the website. Adverstising is one form of income. The question that always goes through our head when we see these plugs is "Why would I pay to advertise when others will do it for me for free?" It's a valid question.
For the most part, we just scream and accept it at our end. To be honest, there are certain suppliers that have made it crystal clear that they have no interest in Letterville. When I see them getting free links, there are times I lose it. Many of you longtime Residents and Visitors know what I am talking about, but many of you have know idea what goes on behind the scenes.
So what is the answer? I say go ahead and mention a good product or service. Be certain you have no vested interest in the product and that you have a signature file in place.
Can I suggest that after you plug a product you contact that supplier and tell them about Letterville? We're looking for a few good Merchants that will offer Letterville Residents a discount and extra good service. They can still still set up shop in Letterville for as little as $365 a year. Compare that to any other form of advertising available and you will soon see what a bargain that is.
There's more! You sell them on the benefits of becoming a Merchant and we'll pay you $50. Just have them mention your name when they sign on.
Any more questions or ideas? Let's talk.
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338
Warning: A well designed sign may cause fatigue due to increased business.
Don Coplen aka "SaintPete"
Coplen Designs
St.Petersburg, FL dcoplen@mindspring.com
13.7¢ a day to support this site that does so much for so many? Count me in! Another proud supporter of this great site and all it stands for!
Bill & Barbara Biggs
Art's Sign Service, Inc.
Clute, Texas, USA
Home of The Great Texas Mosquito Festival
Proud second year Supporter of the Letterheads Website