------------------ Draper The Signmaker Bloomington Illinois USA Stop in and visit a while! 309-828-7110
Posted by Gary Wiant (Member # 1421) on :
Ryan, Where's Sharpsville? I'm from Shippenville (Clarion) or as you would know Real close (2 miles ) from Sportsman Speedway. With all this snow I'm starting to get the Itch to smell burnt Alcohol, how bout you. Do You do many cars? Sign Looks Great Later Gary Wiant
------------------ Gary Wiant Vinyl Graphics Unlimited Shippenville, PA
Posted by Tim Whitcher (Member # 685) on :
Love the "snowflake" effect (just kiddin'). Looks great, and reflects the type of work you're trying to attract. Good job!
------------------ Tim Whitcher Quality Signs & Design 107 E Adrian St Blissfield, MI 49228 qualitysigns@cass.net
Posted by Steve Moynihan (Member # 1824) on :
Hi Ryan, How about postin some pic's of a few race cars you lettered? I letter race cars up in New York that race in PA,NY,and Ohio.Just like to see some of your work. Do you know Flinner,Hoover,and Hitchcock Signs? Theses guys do great work on race cars in the area.There a few steps ahead of me but someday Im hopin to do work like them. Got to start somewhere and learn as you go. Steve Bear's GraphX's Signs
Posted by Checkers (Member # 63) on :
Nice sign Ryan. I really like your shop floor though. Havin' fun, Ceckers
------------------ a.k.a. Brian Born Harrisburg, Pa 717.652.9073 members.home.net/sign-it/ This isn't Burger King, you can't have it your way.
Posted by Ryan Ursta (Member # 1738) on :
Hey guys! Thanks for the compliments! Steve, I know Lyle Hoover at hoover graphics in waterford hes a pal of my old boss he does great jobs on the cars he does.Hes also a real kidder! I'll post some of my cars as soon as i have the chance.
Gary, Im sooooo ready for the start of the new racin season..... i letter about 10-20 cars a year. I sponsor Goob Schulers car that runs for jones performance. Hell be good this year ... he finally saved up enough for a 410! Other cars i should letter are Gary Edwards the #61car He runs for flynns tire in mercer. And im trying to get one of the Kekiches cars this year. Im puttin togather a Micro for my shop this year ... im gonna putt it around some local tracks this year! Free advertising and a write off at the same time!! ha ha . Iknow where shippensville is I have a camp in clarion on the river! Im about an hour and 20 minutes from you . Sharpsville is near Sharon Pa. Im sure youve heard of Quaker Steak and Lube! thats about 5 minutes from my shop !
Dave, Ha ha youre a trip! Why do you think i have cop friends! ha ha No sharpsville is the safest town in the world accept for your occasional drunken stumble fight at the local bar! No one ever really strays from the projects over this way and if they do I got my good ol hk .45 waitin for em'
Checkers, Ya like the floor huh! I do too! ive always wanted to have checkered floors in my shop. My shop is exactly how i pictured it when i started. its not too fun to keep clean though. Ill call ya the next time we tile it ... what a pain .. my back hurt for about a week after ha ha. We laid it all in a day! It came out good though. Once i get this place all done and clean ill take a picture of the whole shop !
------------------ Ryan Ursta Ursta Graphics 27 West Shenango St. Sharpsville Pa. 16150 Call: 724•962•2206 "letters of Recommendation"
Known as "Ugraph" on mirc
[This message has been edited by Ryan Ursta (edited December 13, 2000).]
Posted by Donna in BC (Member # 130) on :
Hi Ryan,
I really like your style of work. Young and colorful comes to mind.
BTW, I use to have a black and white tile shop floor. If ANYONE has Ryan's name in some Christmas present draw, send him a mop and some floor cleaner! Those colored tiles are the worst to keep clean! Look awesome when it's clean. Much like a black car.
You portray alot of fresh energy with your posts. That's a pretty cool feeling. Keep posting and showing your work. I'm enjoying the ride.
------------------ Graphic Impact located in BC Canada gisigns@sprint.ca
Posted by Ryan Ursta (Member # 1738) on :
Thank you Donna this really means a lot to me! I have the black shop truck to keep clean too! ha ha ! Looks the best when its clean, but its hard to keep it that way!!!
------------------ Ryan Ursta Ursta Graphics 27 West Shenango St. Sharpsville Pa. 16150 Call: 724•962•2206 "letters of Recommendation"
Known as "Ugraph" on mirc
Posted by Gary Wiant (Member # 1421) on :
Ryan, I'm only about 2 miles from the river. We lettered about75 cars last year counting the redos (you know those Sprint Guys) We lettered 2 for Bob Felmlee before the wreck, the one he took to knoxville with the large checkers & the one he was running when he wrecked, Skip Dougherty, Todd Bauer, Mike McCool, Craig Rankin, Brian Swartzlander (last year was ugly we wouldn't let me letter it like a year ago) Both Tim & Jason Engles mods, Andy Priest, Butch Rapps car orange 11R Kevin Hoffman drove it last year, Jeff Hoffman, Dick Rankin, plus a ton you've probable never heard of. This will be my first race season with the GERBER EDGE I'm excited about the possibilities. I also do all TRI-CITY Speedways lettering & I've Sponsored the BRM Modified Tour from the first year. they got in 7 races this year 3 rained out & with the purses & point money they gave out around $90,000. If you ever want to chat give me a call. 814-226-7887 Later Gary Wiant
------------------ Gary Wiant Vinyl Graphics Unlimited Shippenville, PA
Posted by Rick Cassell (Member # 374) on :
I have to set the record straight. Ryan Ursta worked for me for a couple months in 1999. He then worked for a local print shop that has a cutter and is known for quickie helvetica cheap junk. Ryan is posting pictures here and on other local racing bulletin boards claiming my work as his own. I have been nothing but supportive of Ryan since he left my place butI have to draw the line here. I can't believe he did not think that I might eventually see these posts. Then again, the reason I let him go was because I could not teach him common sense. 18 years ago I taught myself to letter and design graphics for racing and it has led to a full time occupation that supports a family. I really don't need this distraction and Ryan, you blew it kid!
------------------ Rick Cassell The Circuit Rider Signman Greenville, Pa.
"It's what you learn after you know it all that really counts."
Posted by Mark Fair Signs (Member # 289) on :
hey rick, i think you and ryan need to discuss this somewhere other than the bullboard. no need to slam the guy here. shame on you.
"Mark Fair is a Proud Contributor to The Letterhead Site!"
Posted by Ken Henry (Member # 598) on :
Rick & Ryan. It's a pretty serious accusation to make that anyone would take and display pictures of work that wasn't their own, and claim them to be theirs. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing just who here is the "wronged party". Both of you will undoubtably have your version of the events, and somewhere in there will be the truth of the matter. I don't feel that this forum is the place to resolve your differences, and as Mark has said, it's something better resolved elsewhere. Good luck to you both, and I sincerely hope that you can somehow work out and peacefully solve this obvious rift that has developed between yourselves.
Best of luck to both of you.
------------------ Ken Henry Henry & Henry Signs London, Ontario Canada (519) 439-1881 e-mail kjmlhenry@home.
Some days you get to be the dog....other days, you get to be the fire hydrant.
Posted by Neil D. Butler (Member # 661) on :
Sounds very familiar, many moons ago this is exactly what happened to me, a new sign guy opens up a shop, has no work around, takes photos of my work goes around showing it off as his own, my customers call me up informing me of this, I confront the new guy, he apologizes, I forget about it, takes it as a compliment, life goes on. Neil