I was runnin a squeegee all afternoon and it had a handle on it.I cut a piece of vacuum hose like the ones used on car motors...cut it about the length of the squeegee,then slit one side of it lenghtwise and slid it on the squeegee.Then with a few pieces of scrap vinyl,I wrapped the handle overlapping vinyl onto sides of squeegee... No more creases and blisters!Its quite comfie to use. Bring on the rivets! The squeege itself has had some severe sharpening as well so its way stiffer than a new one.A great tool to apply huge sheets of vinyl right over seams and rivets.
If you want something more sturdy that won't bend use PVC pipe for the handle & cut it the same way,I've been doing this for for about 13 years. Ronnie
------------------ Ronnie Conrad Augusta,Ga 706-793-3838 RonniesTintSigns@aol.com