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Posted by nitro (Member # 547) on :
Hello everyone! Long time no speak. I have a question for anyone that would like to give their two cents... When I lived in New Jersey I used my own application Fluid.. I made it with adding water, and a drop or two of the cheapest dish soap I could find, and also a capful of alcohol to help it evaporate. Anyone have any other good methods that they use and would be willing to share?



All-ways Signs
Chris Crisafulli
90 NW Carolina Ave.
W. Melbourne, FL 32904


Posted by Michael Boone (Member # 308) on :

Michael Boone
Sign Painter
5828 Buerman Rd.Sodus,NY 14551


Posted by Jerry Mathel (Member # 526) on :
Hi Nitro,

Your formula is what we used back in the 50's to apply hand cut or die cut vinyl. Since that time vinyl has improved a lot and there are now commercially made application fluids on the market that do a better job.

Just for the sake of discussion, let's say you mostly letter trucks. You should be getting anywhere from $150 for a simple "knock out" up to around $300 or $400 for something more elaborate. You can buy a gallon of top quality application fluid such as Rapid-Tac for about 25 bucks. Even if you drown the vinyl in app fluid and use it to soak off the transfer tape, a gallon should do 500-plus applications. Let's say you use twice that much, that still only comes out to a dime an application.

I can't see making my own application fluid when I can get a quality product that is specificly formulated to do the job for only a dime.

Just my thoughts......

Jerry Mathel
Jerry Mathel Signs
Grants Pass, Oregon




Posted by George Perkins (Member # 156) on :
Ditto on what Jerry said! I've used the various home remedies, NONE of them work as good as Rapid Tac, that alone is reason enough to use it, the fact that Roger Bailey is a supporter of this site, and a dang good one too is triple the reason!

George Perkins

"I started out with nothing and still have most of it left"


Posted by roger bailey (Member # 556) on :
Thanks Jerry & George, kinda reminds me of a magazine ad we did a few years back (dollars waitin on a dime). Roger

Roger Bailey
Rapid Tac Incorporated
Merlin, OR


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