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Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Here goes.

Cool, it werked!
Thanks for the help guys!

Wayne Webb
Webb Sign Studio,Inc.
Blastin' "woodesigns" in The Sunshine State
"autograph your work with excellence"

[This message has been edited by Wayne Webb (edited April 24, 2000).]

Posted by Samazon (Member # 408) on :
Nice sign, Wayne - very "clean" look!

See, posting a pic isn't so difficult, is it?


“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
- Anais Nin


Posted by Dave Draper (Member # 102) on :
Good job! wow, kewl!

Now.....kiddo....lets talk picture size...

A picture need only be 3x5 at 72 DPI
I prefer .gif for photos, and .jif for
drawings. Your picture should be around
50,000 75,000 bites .... make it bigger and we all suffer from long loading times.
I'm not exactly sure what a huge picture does to the bullentin board in terms of
clogging up the bandwidth or whatever they call it, but I heard it wasn't good.

We use Corel 6 Photopaint. In the pull down menus of photo programs, you should find resampling tools to resize the picture and reduce the DPI....72 DPI is the limit...bigger is not better.

now, let's see some more of your beautiful signs! Thanks for sharing

Go Get 'Em..... :)
AKA Raptorman on #Letterheads mIRC Chat
Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA

Proud 2-yr. $upporter of this Web Site (May 1999-May 2001)


Posted by Wayne Webb (Member # 1124) on :
Awfull huge ain't it?
That is a JPG scanned at 70dpi, but obviously goofed on something else.
I'll try to get the next one smaller.

Wayne Webb
Webb Sign Studio,Inc.
Blastin' "woodesigns" in The Sunshine State
"autograph your work with excellence"

[This message has been edited by Wayne Webb (edited April 25, 2000).]

Posted by Janette Balogh (Member # 192) on :
Actually, I don't think I would have wanted to see that sign too much smaller, we wouldn't have been able to appreciate that nice grain as well. To crop it would be an idea, but then we'd miss that nice sloped pole mount.

Incidentally, to resize a picture ... it's done in photoshop after it's scanned in.
You adjust image size in there ... and can also crop the picture in there.

You may want to attach photoshop and play around in there sometime. Ask if you have any questions.


"When Love and Skill Work Together ... Expect a Masterpiece"

Janette Balogh
Sign Studio
in Sunny Florida
Current Pet Profile - Please send us yours!

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