"The codfish lays ten thousand eggs,
the homely hen lays one
the codfish never cackles to tell you
what she's done
And so we shun the codfish while
the lowly hen we prize
Which only goes to show you
that it pays to advertise!"
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Ogden Nash
The Sign Shop
Mendocino, CA.
You do it like this....except dont use spaces
I have to use space to illustrate
[img] h t t p: / / homepage.davesworld.net/~signman/picture.gif [/ i m g ]
I hope the spaces in the above line fools the system
Go Get 'Em..... :)
AKA Raptorman on #Letterheads mIRC Chat
Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA
Proud 2-yr. $upporter of this Web Site (May 1999-May 2001)
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338
Adrienne Morgan
Splash Signs/ Rainkatt Studios
"I really should be out painting right now"
Benicia, CA
"The codfish lays ten thousand eggs,
the homely hen lays one
the codfish never cackles to tell you
what she's done
And so we shun the codfish while
the lowly hen we prize
Which only goes to show you
that it pays to advertise!"
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Ogden Nash
The Sign Shop
Mendocino, CA.