I purchased Harbor Freight's 10" industrial table saw and have been *very* pleased. For the price its great.
Very heavy and solid with almost no vibration plus it has plenty of power for thick cuts. It has a geared motor which is an absolute with table saws (direct drive motors will burn up on you much easier.)
I'm no Harbor Freight spokesman (don't buy their hole saws!) but I like a good buy.
Here's the address if you're interested....
Santo Brocato
Promotion Graphics & Letters
Youngsville, LA.
[This message has been edited by Santo (edited September 13, 1999).]
If you buy a quality tool it should last you through your career. Buy cheap and plan on replacing it often, or being down right frustrated every time you use it.
Dave Sherby
SherWood Sign & Graphic Design
Crystal Falls, MI 49920
ICQ: 21604027
Mike Berry & Arene Luteman
Concord Sign Company
Concord, New Hampshire
I support this awesome site....do you???
signdog, AKA Duncan Wilkie
Edmonton, Alberta
BUT, I have had nothing but trouble with every other crafstman electric tool I've ever had. Seems like the triggers are the first thing to go, then its all downhill..
Have had really good luck with Skil tools, cant beat the Model 77 Worm drive saw.That will cut anything, well almost.
Got the DeWalt 12" Miter saw...Now theres a machine...
-Slashin' Vinyl by the big lake-
Brian Ooms for
CVD -Custom Vinyl Designs ....New to it all, but tryin'!
Zigman or Vinylslasher On Mirc
ICQ 124334 ziggy@netnitco.net
The UniSaw would be my second choice for a new saw. I'want one. I want a saw with a three to five hp motor. A local cabinet shop bought an imitation unisaw (Jet) several years ago and it holds true cuts and is good
Several years ago there was this wood shop all-in-one kinda tool that I saw that was the best I've encountered. It came from scandiavia someplace, and was not like a ShopSmith. This saw had a sliding table that the material clamped down on, so you slide the table rather than pushing a board against a fence. This tool also had a planner, jointer, shaper, mortising jig, and was very heavy duty and accurate. My first choice.
"The codfish lays ten thousand eggs,
the homely hen lays one
the codfish never cackles to tell you
what she's done
And so we shun the codfish while
the lowly hen we prize
Which only goes to show you
that it pays to advertise!"
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Ogden Nash
The Sign Shop
Mendocino, CA.