Through the years of doing small ovals, and doing them on the computer I have forgotten the formula, and lost the article.
I would really appreciate if someone could refresh my memory on this one.
Thanks in advance,
Don Hulsey
Strokes by DON signs
Utica, KY
Terry Teague
James River Signs
Reeds Spring, MO
I think the string method is also illustrated in Fitzgerald's Practical Sign Shop Operation, and may be shown in other sign books still in print.
Brad in Arkansas
My paint's gonna shine today: It's cloudy and cool
Brad Ferguson
4782 West Highway 22
Paris AR 72855
Mike Metherd
Red Bluff, California
Are you and Bob gettin ready for Fred's?
Monte Jumper
Terry, once I read your post, it all came back to me. There were just a few points I had forgotten. Now I know I can do it.
Brad, I have used the folded paper before. The only thing, I guess I failed to mention, this particular oval will be 18' tall and 27' long so patterns are pretty much out of the question. It will also be 43' off the ground, so I don't want to try using an overhead projector, but now that I know the string method it will be up by christmas, no problem.
By the way, for anyone wondering... My pins will be on 75# magnets, and my string will be 1/8" aircraft cable. The distance of pins and length of cable will be pre determined in the shop. the cable will be connected with a 3/8" flat washer to insert a sharpie pen.
Thanks again for all of the replies,
Don Hulsey
Strokes by DON signs
Utica, KY
[ October 02, 2001: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
this particular oval will be 18' tall and 27' long so patterns are pretty much out of the question. It will also be 43' off the ground
Live long and prosper, Don.
Brad Ferguson
4782 West Highway 22
Paris AR 72855
[ December 14, 2001: Message edited by: Steve Shortreed ]
Kent Smith
Smith Sign Studio
Greeley, Colorado, USA
"The codfish lays ten thousand eggs,
the homely hen lays one
the codfish never cackles to tell you
what she's done
And so we shun the codfish while
the lowly hen we prize
Which only goes to show you
that it pays to advertise!"
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^*^ Ogden Nash
The Sign Shop
Mendocino, CA.
Sometimes we have handled a big oval, or elipse, by making a pattern of only 1/4 of the elipse. (instead of making it on the wall of the job site, we make it on the ground ( floor ), but we just make one section, instead of the whole thing.
By flipping the pattern over, and upside down and over, you can make a very large oval that is perfect. I used to make them out of heavy sheets of corregated box material we could obtain locally here in 5 x 10 foot sheets. That size alone would make a 20 foot oval by 10 foot. But even if it had to be bigger we would again divide that 1/4 section into 2 sections, a two piece pattern....(but actually never had to make one that big, (but we had a plan! hahahah
Go Get 'Em..... :)
AKA Raptorman on #Letterheads mIRC Chat
Draper The Signmaker
Bloomington Illinois USA
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