Beginning today, all posts not properly signed will be sent an e-mail from us instructing the poster on how to create a signature file, as well as our reasons for insisting on one. This should solve this issue once and for all.
You will find a copy of this letter below. Please make sure your signature files is in order. We want to make a special appeal to longtime BullBoard users. Please set a good example for the new users by making double sure YOUR signature files are in order.
We're sending this letter out to everyone who posts at The Letterhead BullBoard and still does not have a proper signature file in place. Our intention is not to single you out, just a friendly nudge to remind you to create a signature file.
We have few rules here at The Letterhead Website, but we do insist all posts and replys be signed with a signature file that includes your real name, city and State as a bare minimum. Why?
The Letterhead Website is a community and just like any real community, your fellow citizens have the right to know who is speaking and where they are from. It's not only just comman courtesy, but it identifys the poster as a true user and goes a long way towards preventing "paid goons" from using this BullBoard as a forum for free promotion. We want to do anything we can to ensure the advice you get here is from actual end users with no vested interests.
If you are female, we recognize you may have special concerns about your security. Can you use just your first name and initial? A City and State/Province is specific enough as far as location.
Adding a signature file to your post is not that hard. Look up in the top right corner of the main "Topics Page." Right under the text "The Letterhead Website BullBoard", you'll see 5 small links named profile | register | prefs | faq | search .
Click on the profile link and enter your BullBoard Username and Password. Scroll down to the Signature box and enter the following...
Your Name
Company Name
Address (City & State are fine)
Phone (optional)
e-mail address
ICQ Address (optional)
The program now offers you the opportunity to select a 3 preferences.
*Choose yes to save your username and pass in memory for future visits.
*Set your messages for 1-5 days if you visit the BB often..anymore just results in longer loading times.
*Select yes on the e-mail preference. All e-mails must be visible.
That's all there is too it. I want to appeal to our older BullBoard users to set a good example by making sure YOUR signatures are in proper order. Please do this right now. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, fell free to e-mail us at Thank You in advance for your co-operation.
Steve Shortreed
144 Hill St., E.
Fergus, Ontario
Canada N1M 1G9
ICQ 316338