I had a crew yesterday helping on an install. I made the sign and they would install it. They worked for the auto body shop this sign was for. I was asked to supervise and they also needed my ladders. The letter U spans the two panels and is 1 1/2" HDU. When the second panel was going up, that letter popped off and came hurling down and hit me in the face as I caught it. It didn't break, but my face started bleeding a good bit. I turned to the guy that was on the ladder working that letter and said "U hit me." I had to repeat that a couple times until he got what I was saying.
Posted by Bob Kaschak (Member # 3146) on :
U R Lucky.
Hope you're ok.
Great story, lol, Bob
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
U-Turned,,,,, to face the danger!
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
The sign is finished. THe scab on my face is almost gone. Glad I didn't get stung by a B or get P'd on. Keep smiling and making your community prettier.
Posted by Curt Stenz (Member # 82) on :
Way to go Rick, you are a great neighbor to your community.