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Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
So one of my customer's wives calls me to tell me her husband died in Texas of Covid Flu. That's too bad. So she asked me if I could remove the vinyl lettering off his truck because she wants to sell it. Yep, okay. So in a few days I head up there. The yard where the truck is parked at has no power for my heat gun or vinyl zapper. What to do? So just down the street is a log truck yard of whos trucks I letter. I call the mechanic ask him if I could bring a truck over etc. And that I would need some instruction on how to release the 53' trailer from the tractor. Well the mechanic was nice enough to come out and give me a hand. So I drive the tractor to the shop and do the job. It was getting dark by the time I got done. So I asked the mechanic if he could guide me back into the trailer. He gladly did. Then Isabel, the widow, gave me a ride back to the mechanic shop where my truck was at. She thanked me for helping her out. And to thank the mechanic, I helped him remove lettering off a log truck they were selling. Then I jumped in my truck and drove home.
Posted by Curt Stenz (Member # 82) on :
I hope you were paid something, but if not, you were a wonderful example of a good person in a time of need.

Isabel may not been in a situation to pay you nor the mechanic, but you did what was right, you will be blessed 100 fold.
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
Naw, I didn't charge her. It was just vinyl lettering. Poor lady. She did give me a some gas money. via a pre-paid credit card. I've been working on her husbands trucks since 2014.
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Do you have a class 1 license? I know how to drive trucks and also know the liability and consequences should I get stopped. Glad you didn't need to back that trailer into a driveway off a busy street.I've heated vinyl for removal with a torch, although my favorite is steam. Did you take any health precautions getting into that cab?
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
Nope, I just jumped in and drove. I have driven at least 300 trucks since the flu outbreak. I don't wipe em down or anything. Nope, no Class 1 license. As my compadres once said,,,,"We don't need no stinking badges" If I got puled over, then I'd have to do some fast, slick talking.

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