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Posted by Dennis Kiernan (Member # 12202) on :
Over the last few years I've been noticing more and more that my hand is shaky whenever I'm trying to do lettering or anything requiring precision. Altho I live in San Francisco, earthquake country, I'm sure that's not the cause. I'm convinced that it's just old age. My being 86 sort of convinces me of that. My question is, do many of you older folks have the problem, and if so, have you found anything that helps (besides steadying with the other hand or using something as a bridge)? I've tried breathing exercises to calm the nerves, but without much success. Is it just inevitable? Maybe Qualudes? Opium?
Posted by John Smith (Member # 1308) on :
Dennis - several years ago, I was bitten by a
pigmy rattlesnake. The snake bite wasn't that
bad but the antivenin messed up my nervous system.
for years later, I had uncontrolled body and muscle jerks.
I spilled a LOT of things as I could not anticipate the next jerk.
20 years later, I still have the uncontrolled muscle twitches
that makes any kind of hand lettering a struggle.
sharp instruments such as X-Acto knives and carving chisels really
make me nervous.
now at 70 years old, I don't know how much of the involuntary
shakes and jerks are from age or the snake bite.
being fully retired now makes it easier as I don't have to rush
through projects like I used to. at 55 years old, I went for a
brain scan and medical tests. The doctor said my body was not
producing enough dopamine so I took that for about a year.
I did not like the side effects - so I stopped that and went back
to watching my caffeine intake. (with not much of a difference).
so on your next doctor's visit, discuss this with him.
you can google dopamine (also used for ADHD). and its side effects
and see if that is something you may want to try.
other than that, just accept it and don't run with scissors !!!!

[ December 10, 2017, 10:46 PM: Message edited by: John Smith ]
Posted by Gerald Barlow (Member # 3477) on :
Dennis; I'm 76 and I shake too. I went thru the regimen at Kaiser and they say there is nothing wrong they can fix. I have almost given up pinstriping...but...I got a new truck last year and I have striped on it and some days I do pretty good and then some days I shake all over the place. I only drink decafe and see no correlation to food or medicine. As with so many parts of my anatomy, that ship has sailed. Jer Barlow
Posted by Bill Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
Dennis it could be "Essential Tremors"

You can check out Youtube for dozens of videos here's one:
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
ask Joey what to do????
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
LOL Rick!!! Joey would definitely have a suggestion. BUT where is he? I haven't heard from him in a few years.
Posted by Michael Clanton (Member # 2419) on :
Im sorry you are going thru that- I remember watching an oldtimer sign master whose hands shook so bad he almost slung all the paint from his brush, but when the brush touched the sign, it magically became steady and sure. He could paint a circle by starting with his left hand and then switch to his right hand and end up with a perfect circle. I unfortunatly can't recall his name.

I don't know if it will help, but an old golf trick is to pop in a pepermint or hard candy and suck on it- it relaxes your jaw and neck, and relaxes your arms as a result.
Posted by Bill Diaz (Member # 2549) on :
Dennis, I would be thrilled if I made it to 86 without having shaky hands. I have it at 67 and it is getting worse. It has been diagnosed as "Essential Tremors" which is a condition like Parkinson's which gets progressively worse with age. Parkinson's causes shaking when your hands or limbs are at rest while Essential Tremors causes shaking when your hands are engaged in an activity like writing, painting or just trying to do anything that requires manual dexterity.

The condition is fairly common in people over 40 although it can occur at any age. It can affect one hand (as with me) or both hands and can also make your voice waver like Katheryn Hepburn's. In many cases it is believed to be inherited. It can also affect your legs and some feel it is closely related to restless leg syndrome.

It is a game changer for many, but it does not seem to affect longevity. I used to letter and stripe in front of people and they were amazed at how fast and steady I was, but this condition has really done a number on me. In order to do fine painting I have to not drink coffee, get plenty of rest and in most cases have an empty stomach. Mahl sticks help. I have been to the doctor and neurologists and have taken all the medicines available and herbal remedies. What is available now would be surgery, ultrasound treatment and possibly Botox. All of these have side effects.

Probably half the people at 86 have this, but if you really want relief, go to your doctor and have a diagnosis, because it may be caused by something else.

Check out those web sites I posted above for information on Essential Tremors and good luck.
Posted by goddinfla (Member # 1502) on :
So John, does that mean you spill the water when you're pouring it into an electric chain saw?
Posted by Ricardo Davila (Member # 3854) on :

Not trying to be funny.....But, have you tried using a mahl stick, when lettering?

By the way,I just turned 80, last month.

Posted by John Smith (Member # 1308) on :
Dennis G.
yes, I still use my electric chainsaw with water
for HDU. Why?? I thought everybody did that
Posted by Dennis Kiernan (Member # 12202) on :
Ricardo, I never could get used to a mahlstick, except for using it as a ruler when drawing or painting straight lines, resting the handle of the pen or brush against it. But never for curved lines or even less long curves.

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