Made this sign back a few years someone has plowed through it in their car...the apartment people would like for me to make another but since retirement I pick and chose what I want to do...this baby is just too far from home so I told them to find someone a call from that sign company and they would like me to send them the file on the sign...wondering what is the accepted policy among sign people...should I share my design as a favor...or charge...if so how is an insurance job so whatever I charge will be passed.
[ February 27, 2017, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Rusty Bradley ]
Posted by Dave Sherby (Member # 698) on :
I certainly wouldn't give it away for free. People should pay for files that you generated. Consider your time developing the concept. The time to find the files and burn them to a disc. My guess would be anywhere from 3 to 5 times your cost to produce. This isn't much different than designing a logo for someone and providing them with the files. Logo fees aren't peanuts. Unfortunately I can't give you a real figure because around my territory that's what people THINK I work for...peanuts. Hopefully you will find someone that can give you a logical figure. Just not free. Your time is worth something.
Posted by old paint (Member # 549) on :
your time in creation/design DIDNT GET SOLD along with the original sign, did it???? the original sign wasnt given......... with the file, to the place that ordered it? its only worth as much as the other sign company will pay.......can they reproduce the FILE for less money then they can buy it from you???? go at this way the total price you for the sign.....was XXXXX$$$$$$. with the detail i see, i believe you did the install, the value of the FILE ALONE....... should be about 1/3 of the total price you got paid..... if the other sign company dont like it.........LET THEM START FROM SCRATCH)))
Posted by Kevin W. Betz (Member # 4133) on :
Rusty. Is this an actual photo of your work or rendering ?
Posted by Rusty Bradley (Member # 6938) on :
This is a photoshopped photo of the sign on site with my helper from about 6 years ago after we installed...some of my early photoshop work on the background looks bad to me today...but I think I was proud of it back I remember several large metal structures made the photo useless...a metal fence and electric service totally distracted from the sign...looking back on this I can see a few other minor places that I photoshopped on the sign to try and improve on the poor does look funny in the landscape...I was just developing my photoshop skills...good picked up on the poor photoshopping...but it is the actual photo
Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
Rusty, From what I know of your work I am guessing you hand carved the tree, so your file would not contain anything to help them set it up for a cnc router. I can't give definite pricing, but, in my opinion, the file would be worth a LOT more if it included the tree. The rest of this sign would not be that difficult to recreate just looking at the picture. Without the tree I would say, Throw me a Texas Ten(the one with Ben Franklin on it) and I'll send you the file.
BTW... I can see that your photo shop skills have improved quite a bit, but even this older example looks really good.
Posted by Rusty Bradley (Member # 6938) on :
Thanks...a bill for 1 Ben Franklin has been sent...that sounds fair enough to me.
[ February 28, 2017, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Rusty Bradley ]
Posted by Jean Shimp (Member # 198) on :
Like Don said it wouldn't be too difficult to recreate the sign shape and layout but I wouldn't think many other sign companies are capable of recreating that beautiful tree. It takes a special skill to do that. Too bad you can't supply the carved tree portion as an applique and send it to the sign company. Charge a premium for your time. I wouldn't give anything away for free unless it was for charity.
Posted by Don Hulsey (Member # 128) on :
Jean has a great idea there.
If I were the other sign shop I would probably have to pass on this one because I do not possess your skill, or the patience that I imagine it would take to create that tree. However, I would be very happy to take the job if I could get you to make the tree (for a fee) and I only had to copy your great design for the rest of the sign.
You might offer a price for sending them the tree.