Anybody who knew me pre-2006 knows that I was a chain smoker. Two cartons a week. The only times I didn't have a cig in my hand was if I was eating or sleeping.
Anyways...December 15, 2005 was the day I smoked my last cigarette!
Actually, smoked a pack that morning...knew the nicotine buzz would have to last awhile.
Posting this as inspiration to the rest of you smokers who've thought they can't do it. It can be done. Posted by John Byrd (Member # 825) on :
Yep, quit quite a while back and haven't been sick since. Patches prevented any homicides during the event. DO IT!
Posted by Dale Feicke (Member # 767) on :
Good going, Don!
As a 25 year smoker, I know what a tremendous stretch it can be, to give it up. Some can just give it up, cold turkey. Some use the patches; those were not around when I was trying to quit. I just gradually tapered off, over a period of about 2 months.......and finally quit.
I'm glad you made the commitment, and we'll be cheering you on!!!!!! It's amazing not to get up hacking in the morning, and being able to walk up a flight of stairs without puffing again.
[ December 15, 2015, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Dale Feicke ]
Posted by Rick Sacks (Member # 379) on :
Proud of ya Don !!!
Posted by Dave Grundy (Member # 103) on :
Congrats Don!!! Posted by Bill Modzel (Member # 22) on :
Wow Don, congratulations. It's been that long since we went fishing down there? Time flys for sure.
Posted by bill riedel (Member # 607) on :
I can't understand why people do not realize that they are killing themselves and robbing years of life from their family. Happy to hear you kicked the habit.
Posted by Rusty Bradley (Member # 6938) on :
I gotta get off this meth.
Posted by Alicia B. Jennings (Member # 1272) on :
Alright Don, no smoking!!! I quit when I was 14. I smoked a cigarette, given to me by my friends, didn't like it, so I quit.
Posted by Dale Feicke (Member # 767) on :
Hey Bill, you're a few years my senior; but remember when we were young.......
Every movie you saw, people smoked. Everything (newsclips, etc.) of the military in WWII or Korea....people smoked. Early TV commercials and programs, people smoked. Sports figures (some) smoked. Social events (dances, festivals, weddings)...people smoked. In many circles, you were considered a loser or a dork if you DIDN'T smoke. Cowboys smoked.......detectives smoked. There were no warnings on cigarettes; and no negative reports on how unhealthy it was. Nothing had warnings.....lacquer paint, trans fat, salt, gasoline, lead-base paint, on and on.
I'm not defending any of this; but at least for myself, we were stupid kids....following the crowd and maybe our movie idols. We didn't know any better.......
[ December 16, 2015, 02:30 PM: Message edited by: Dale Feicke ]
Posted by Preston McCall (Member # 351) on :
I quit every day numerous times and then begin anew. Horrid habit...almost as bad as being an artist. It makes me as confused as a blind dog in a meat factory.
Posted by Susan Banasky (Member # 1164) on :
Hey Don....Congrats....I bet you smell a lot better now than you did 10 years ago. Proud of you!
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
wonderful news,,,
Posted by Curtis hammond (Member # 2170) on :
wonderful news,,,
3 packs a day is 1800 cigs. or 90 packs or $450 a month.. is 5400 a year in the pocket You are rich now..
Posted by Richard Heller (Member # 2443) on :
Congrats to all of you who quit. Preston, hang in there and enjoy life. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow.